While I am not particularly one for resolutions, Squiders, I do find it helps to take a look at what one accomplished in the previous year and make vague plans moving forward. Here’s what I did, writing-wise, in 2017: I
MileHiCon and Nanowrimo
I have survived the con! \o/ Barely. But I had a good time and made some new friends (yay!) and am now on a search for a refillable notebook cover. (Craig Griswold who was in the art show, on the
A Lack of Focus
Oh, Squiders. Normally I’m so good at multitasking. And then I go through bouts where I can’t seem to focus long enough on anything to make any progress. Take June, for example. I had four goals. Finish a short story
Limbo and April
I find myself in kind of a weird place right now. The sekrit project still needs work–most of that marketing stuff we talked about last week, though the excerpt has gone out for approval and will go up at the