Ah, Squiders. How I long for the days when all you had to do as an author was write the books, and someone else would sell them for you. I am not a good seller. You guys have probably noticed
Library Book Sale Finds: The Spirit Ring by Lois McMaster Bujold
I know I did one of these, like, last week, and I apologize for reading library book sale books so close together. Except not really. So, as I mentioned about a month ago, I bought this book to read for
Announcing The Adventures of Kate Readalong
A lot of reading posts this week, Squiders. But hey, I figured you wanted some variety after hearing me talk about City of Hope and Ruin for months on end! (Speaking of which, you should go enter the giveaway on
Library Book Sale Finds: Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes
You ever have a book that you’re not quite sure why you picked it up? That’s the case here. I have a vague memory of selecting this book from one of the library book sales last summer, but when I
Tie-in Fiction Friday: Spider-Man Emerald Mystery
Do you remember that we were doing this, Squiders? Because I checked, and the first and only time I’d done it before was in January…of 2015. So much for it being a regular sort of thing! But here we are
Hooray! City of Hope and Ruin is out tomorrow!
It’s launch week! On one hand, yay! On the other, oh God, the nerves. Will anyone like the book? Will anyone buy the book? These are things I worry about each and every time I have a new book out. Mostly with
Remember to Check Your To Read Bookcase
Happy Tuesday, Squiders. You get a post today! Hooray! Anyway, funny story. I’ve told you about my Twitter book club before, right? Well, we’ve been running into issues choosing books, so we’ve just put a rotation into effect, where, when
Cover Reveal: City of Hope and Ruin by Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson
Tada! Here we go, guys! Every night the monsters hunt. A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from
Trying Out New Marketing
Happy Friday, Squiders. My apologies for once again dropping the blog when things get busy. Here’s the good things for this week: I figured out why my website was fubared and have fixed the issue (which took several emails to
The Cycle of Serial Formatting
So, having run out of new Doctor Who episodes (until the last season arrives from the library), the not-so-small, mobile one and I decided we’d watch a few episodes of the original series, starting with the first doctor. What I