Once again, the Friday Round-up did not get rounded up, so today we will be discussing alpacas.

Baby Alpaca

How can you not like alpaca?  They are fluffy and evil.  I submit the following as evidence (and also dare you not to laugh):

Star Wars Alpaca

The comedic timing of the alpaca can be compared to the llama or the moose, both comedy staples.  (In my world, at least.  Admittedly I grew up on Monty Python and Whose Line Is It, Anyway?)  So, to honor these adorable would-be world dominators, and because poetry and I – especially meaningful poetry not about animals, fictional or not – do not get on, I offer you…the Alpaca Limerick.

There once was an alpaca from Surrey
Whose neck was not in the least bit furry
He tried Rogaine
To regrow his mane
All it did was provide rash-y fury.

Alpaca Poetry
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5 thoughts on “Alpaca Poetry

    • March 25, 2011 at 1:17 pm

      Thanks for the haiku
      When the revolution comes
      You won’t be eaten

  • March 25, 2011 at 1:16 pm

    Sure, alpacas are all fun and laughs till you cross one and find yourself in a no-holds-barred knife fight. They fight dirty.

  • March 29, 2011 at 1:02 pm

    Funny! Oh, and I love the comment just above mine. LOL.

    Awesome limerick. Very good.

    Consider yourself stalked 🙂 You are officially on my BEST DARN BLOGS EVER! file. I will be back (after Hawaii) to stalk you some more. Nice to meet you.

    ~Angela Scott

  • Pingback:The Lure of Alpaca Poetry | Kit Campbell

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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover