
Hey-ho, squiders! It’s been below freezing here for days, which has been…interesting. And cold. Very cold. My oldest doesn’t believe in the cold, so this has been an interesting experience for him.

I have been working on my submission material. I’ve done two different query versions since we last talked (did one, got feedback, made changes, now am waiting for feedback again) and reworked my synopsis (though not a lot, since I only got feedback from one person and I’m not sure how useful some of it is).

And on we go. We iterate both until they’re ready to go.

(I am still using placeholders on the comps. I do need to work on that.)

Is the query getting better? Hopefully!

Instead of just posting on my Discord server (which is publishing focused and has several agented and traditionally–and indie–published authors) like I did last time, I’m having the former TDP people look at it first. I mean, I posted the first version on Discord in, what? October? November? And then I didn’t do anything for two months cuz I got overwhelmed by the feedback. Having the TDP people look at first is helping, because we have a relationship and I trust them, and I know they’ve got my back and will take another look if I show up with a new version three days later.

Current plan is to see if my TDP people note anything major, then to email it (and the synopsis) to my in-person critique group, and then probably post on the Discord as well. Just not sure if I should do it after the critique group meeting or not. (On one hand, I could gather a lot of feedback and make changes all at once. On the other, I could iterate the comments from the in-person group into a new query for the Discord server.)

I haven’t started my agent list yet, but I did ask people what they used to make their list, and I think I’ll need to get a Publishers Marketplace subscription for a month or two. Bit pricey, but oh well. It is what it is.

In non-submission news, I’m ready to start my revision planning for my scifi horror novella. Got my notebook, and the next step is to read through the manuscript and write down everything that’s not working (and also anywhere that’s working really well). I already know I need some major worldbuilding and character work (like–the main character’s parents are dead, but what happened to them? How old was she? These are key background questions that I apparently never bothered with. Them dying when she’s like six makes for a very different upbringing than if they died when she was 20). After we identify what’s wrong, we can get to fixing it (and streamlining the worldbuilding).

So, you know, actually making progress! Finally!

I hope you’re making progress too, squiders, and I’ll see you soon!

(Oh, in theory is back up. If it’s doing something weird, try refreshing it or clearing your cache for it.)

Christmas Ahoy

Hey ho, squiders! We’re less than a week from Christmas, and man, do I feel it.

(I think I’ve bought everything I need to, and we’re done with Secret Santa at work–which went well–but I do need to mail a couple of things and do all my wrapping.)

(Also we watched The Wild Robot tonight which is not Christmas-y, but it tugged all my heartstrings and I still feel a little weep-y about it.)

I’d like to say I’m getting stuff done, but I’m really not. Writing-wise, I mean. Or drawing, or games. I am still getting some reading done at least.

I did finish copying over my beta comments though.

But I think I’m going to take the next week off of blogging. Hopefully get some stuff done, at least focus on Christmas. Come back for the last few days with a plan for 2025 (still a fake scifi year), maybe a vision board, stuff like that.

I’ve made inspiration boards for stories, but never a vision board for, like, my own goals and so forth. I know some people swear by it, and I figure it can’t hurt to give it a try! If nothing else it’s an excuse to troll Pinterest for a while.

I hope you and your family have a happy holiday, whatever you do or don’t celebrate, and let’s ring in 2025 together and do our best to reach our goals!

WriYe and 2024 Recapped

A couple of housekeeping items — there’s a good chance that I’m going to be migrating hosts (or at least servers) sometime in the next month-ish, so if the site is down hopefully it will be back up soon! (Assuming you’re on and not the Where Landsquid Fear to Tread blog. If you’re on the blog, please disregard.)

And I finally got myself a Bluesky account, where I have already accumulated two porn bots as followers and no real people.

December’s prompt from WriYe is: Sum up your year for us.

Ah, 2024. Where to begin.

I went into this year with one main goal: finish my revision on Book 1, get my submission materials ready, and send it out to agents.

And then I had follow-on goals, assuming that got done, and some side goals:

  • RaTs (once per quarter)
  • Short Story Challenge month (spring?)
  • SkillShare classes (repost old class, new class late summer)
  • Publish Deep and Blue (scifi)
  • New novella project (November probably)

And then my usual reading goal of 50 books (currently at 46, not terribly worried, in the middle of 3 at the moment), a hope to get through my backlog of Steam games, and do some art (I think I picked 4 pictures a month, which, uh).

I finished the Book 1 revision in…August? September? Oh, July. But I continued to make changes based on the critique marathon and my in-person critique group past then.

And then I’ve procrastinated the submission material for four months. Very proud of myself. (Sarcasm, obviously.) No, actually, I’m super frustrated at myself, because the revision took a year and a half, and it’s so dumb to be failing on the last step here.

As for the side goals:

  • RaTs (once per quarter) – Done! I did keep up with this, and it’s helpful to do scenes from side characters and other POVs, and I think my revision is stronger because of it. (For those who don’t know, RaTs is a writing prompt system.)
  • Short Story Challenge month (spring?) – I started exactly one short story in, uh, August maybe. And I have not finished it. I did outline a bunch of stories, though! For, you know, when I have free time and am like, oh, yes, let me just pound out a dozen short stories.
  • SkillShare classes (repost old class, new class late summer) – I started a class around June, made some progress in October, and there it sits. Oh, I did repost the old class in Jan/Feb.
  • Publish Deep and Blue (scifi) – Done! It’s available through Amazon only at the moment.
  • New novella project (November probably) – Uh, no.

I did send out a couple of longer projects to publications though, and now we wait to see if those go anywhere.

My follow-on project after Book 1 got done is called Rings Among the Stars and is a scifi horror novella. I’m in the “gather information so we can figure out what needs to change” stage on that one.

So writing for the year? Mixed. A couple of publications, a rather depressing entry into the Self-Published Fantasy Blog Off contest (I don’t think the reviewers actually looked at my book before they rejected it), the revision finally done but choking at the finish line, and a lot of needless procrastination. Yay.

I’ve enjoyed my reading for the year, though. I’ve been working through my TBRs, so I’ve liked more of the books I’ve read recently than in years past. Looking forward to doing the year end round up on that.

As for the games, well, I wish I had noted how many games I started with in the Uncategorized section on Steam. I’m currently at 65, which is definitely less, but I know I’ve also bought some new games this year which is a step backwards. I’ve at least played through half the games I kickstarted, which is good.

Steam hasn’t put out their Year in Review for 2024, which would definitely help me figure out how I’m doing here. Oh well.

Drawing has also been a mixed bag. I did finally finish the travel journal for the Scotland trip from 2022, but now I’m behind on this year’s trips (3 days left on the June trip, which was a massive 17 days long, and then I need to do the October and November trips as well), and I spent October doing character drawings (which was fun, at least). I’ve worked through a couple of library books on various subjects, and drew a fantasy map in the last week (which was also for fun, but is a useful skill to have, as the Trilogy will needs maps, like any epic fantasy worth its salt).

Speaking of which, Rings Among the Stars would also benefit from a map…

I always get to the end of the year and bemoan the fact that I was not as productive as I could have been, but it doesn’t seem to do anything to help me procrastinate less in the year to come. And I do think there’s an emotional element to the procrastination. Like, when I was younger, I was SO much more productive. But I wasn’t publishing or anything like that, I was just writing for writing’s sake.

I did take on a gift fic exchange this month to kind of counteract that. Write something just for fun, that only my friend (and maybe my other friends? I don’t quite understand who can read what) is going to read. (And even then, in my brain, I’m like, oh, what if it’s really good and then I can sell it to a magazine? which is not helping the point here.)

But yeah, the Trilogy is a big deal, and I do have a lot of emotions tied up with it since I’ve been working on it for 20 years, and I know that’s why the submission materials are going so poorly. When the submission materials are done, out it goes, to face rejection despite how much I love it and have worked on it. And that’s scary.

But we must overcome.

How did your 2024 go, squiders?

Massive Brainfart

Hey, squiders, how are you doing? I certainly didn’t mean to leave blogging to the last minute this week, but hey, December, amirite?

So I’ve been chugging along on going over the comments on my scifi horror novella from the last time I put it through the critique marathon, and as I did so, I came to a realization, as there were a lot of questions about certain worldbuilding aspects.

What was I thinking, when I made the revision schedule for the novella in my head?

I’ve been operating on the following schedule:

  1. Input comments from critique marathon
  2. Read over story myself
  3. Revise

The worldbuilding comments have reminded me that there are intermediate steps that I always do between gathering feedback and the actual revision.

I do a worldbuilding pass, a characterization pass. I run through each plotline step by step to make sure they make sense and that nothing is forgotten. I re-outline and make changes based on the new outline.

There are sheets and sheets of stuff that I do before I start the revision, and somehow, I just spaced that whole process.

Good job, Kit. A+.

So, now, of course, I’ve got to rearrange my whole schedule and it’s going to take longer than originally planned.

I’m not all the way through the story yet, so I’m not quite sure how much work is needed, so of course that makes it a little harder to readjust the timeline. My hope would be that the whole thing is in relatively good condition (aside from the identified worldbuilding issues) and I can do the revision prep in a few weeks.

But it is the holidays so that’s probably wishful thinking.

In other writing news, I, uh, opened the notes on my submission material? I’d like to sit down and go over it but I haven’t found time. And arguably it’s more important than the novella revision but it also requires more resiliency, so, uh.

Also working on a gift fic for one of my writing groups. 5K is the max, and I thought it might be nice to write something just for fun. And it is! But perhaps a bit irresponsible as well.

Oh well. It is what it is.

How’s your December going? Getting what you want to done? Waiting for the new year?

Not Dead

Hey ho, squiders, I’m not dead!

I started a post to you on, oh, the 21st? 22nd? And then it never got done and it was Thanksgiving break and people were throwing up and then I got sick and…

What’s funny is that that post that I started was also about Things Getting Out of Hand. My husband accidentally drilled into my thumb when the drill bit broke, and I had to cover for my boss at work, and so on and so forth.

But anyway. Who cares about any of that? Not me, because I am too tired to. Though I would like to not be sick because I would like to eat again.

(My thumb is mostly fine except the nail is falling apart little by little, but it will regrow, so whatever I guess.)

And now we’re into December, with 2025 looming. (2025 still doesn’t feel like a real year that, like, we’re living in, by the by.)

And mostly I am…unmotivated.

We were out of town for Thanksgiving and so it kind of feels like it didn’t happen, which is making it especially hard to turn on holiday mode. All the grandparents are asking for Christmas present ideas and, like, we just can’t be bothered. It’s a bit…I don’t want to say depressing but, like, a combination of that and overwhelming. Like, Christmas is A Lot at any point but now I am behind schedule and it just feels like unnecessary stress.

That may be the sickness talking.

We did break out the Advent Calendar today and then got to eat four pieces of chocolate in one go, huzzah.

As for monthly goals, once again I am overly optimistic and have set a high bar, completely ignoring that I am generally unproductive in December because of 1) holidays, 2) looming new years, and 3) general ennui.

I’ve got to revise (and hopefully) finalize my submission materials for Book 1. And work on my revision for my scifi horror novella so I can run it through my critique group/the critique marathon. And I signed up to do a story exchange in one of my writing groups, cuz I haven’t written anything random in a hot minute and I thought, “Why not?”

Not a long list of things, but a time consuming one.

And I need to read 5 books to hit 50 for the year. Doable, if I stay on top of it. And then I have some drawing and video game goals as well.


How are you, squider? How are you feeling about the end of the year and the looming of the new one?

Moving On

Ah, squiders. I am so tired. Why? No one knows, but it’s just as well that Nano collapsed and I’m not trying to fit in 50000 words.

(Also have had a couple of nights where I’ve woken up in the middle with existential dread. That’s fun.)

I did finally write a draft of the query letter. I spent like two hours pulling my hair out and writing the most convoluted sentences known to man one day, and the next day I sat down and wrote a complete letter in about 15 minutes.

Not perfect, not anywhere close, but it exists now, and it’s always easier to edit something that exists than create things from scratch, or some such.

I also updated the synopsis and finished out my chapter list, which is a tool I’ve been using for critique so people can keep track of what happened in earlier chapters, and I figured if someone wants a longer synopsis, it’ll work for that as well.

I’ve got the query/synopsis up for critique on one of my Discord servers, where we’re having an interesting discussion about some of the metadata wording.

But now that the query is done(ish), I do find myself kind of twiddling my thumbs. The query (and probably the synopsis) will take a few iterations. And then I need to make a list of agents to query. At this point, I’m wondering if I should just wait until January to actually query because I’ve heard it said that things shut down across the holidays, but I will double check that before I make any decisions.

I think…I think it’s time to move on to a new project. I can still spend some time on the submission materials. Rework the query here. Make the agent list there. And then I’m not just sitting around waiting for feedback and going insane.

Next on my list is the revision for Rings Among the Stars, my scifi horror novella from a few years ago. I’d like to get going on this anyway, so I can run it through the winter critique marathon (and have something to give my in-person critique group come December). Part of me is like, oh no, not another revision, I spent the last year and a half on a revision, but this one won’t be as intense for any number of reasons, including but not limited to:

  • It’s 30K and not 120K
  • I wrote it recently when I knew what I was doing and am not trying to fix pacing and other issues introduced twenty years ago when I wrote the first draft
  • Single viewpoint
  • Horror is great for traumatic times

Step 1 will be looking at the feedback I got last time it went through the critique marathon and putting that onto the paper copy I printed out God knows how long ago. Then my own readthrough and notes, which will help me establish what if any major revisions are necessary, and put together a general editorial plan.

So that’s the plan for the next few weeks. Around making agent list and reworking the query.

Happy Tuesday, squiders.

WriYe and Bucket Lists

Happy Wednesday, squiders! I continue to procrastinate writing my query letter so here we are. (Hopefully today, though. Fingers crossed. Of course, I could be doing that instead of this BUT ANYWAY)

(I did submit a novella to a publication, though, which is new for me, so fingers crossed on that.)

Here’s November’s WriYe prompt, by the way: What’s on your writing bucket list? Which one is the most achievable?

Hm. I did do a series of posts, oh, two years ago I want to say? About stories I’d like to write in the future. Hold on.

Dual Timelines
Interlocking Lives
Fantasy that’s really Scifi

(It was three years ago.)

I kind of feel like this prompt is more about like, the process of writing instead of story ideas. Like, more of a bucket list like: finish a draft, publish a story, etc, etc, et al. BUT ANYWAY.

I don’t know that I really have a bucket list. Obviously I have goals but “bucket list” implies more…finality? I don’t know.

Or maybe more generality? Like, a bucket list item could be “have a short story published” but a goal is “publish this short story in particular.”

I hope I’m making sense.

From a bucket list standpoint, I’ve done a lot of general things. I’ve sold short stories, published novels, taught classes, and been on panels at conventions. I’ve checked a lot of the “I’m an author” boxes. And the ones I haven’t, things like “become a bestseller” or “have a movie optioned” depend on other people. I’ve talked before about how frustrating it can be to have goals that rely on other people, and how you lose control because you can’t control what other people do. So while I would like those things, certainly, I still don’t think I would put them on any sort of bucket list for those reasons.

If we go back to those posts from above, I would say the Fantasy that’s really Scifi is the most attainable (and, as I mention in that post, City of Hope and Ruin fulfills it in some ways). I’d like to work on a science fiction series soon, which could lead into the Nakama one. The interlocking lives and dual timelines are still probably outside my reach, but I bet I could do them if I really tried.

But we’ve got to finish what we’re working on first. The freaking submission materials for Book 1. And then the revision on my scifi horror (and I need to get on that too so I can get it to my critique group in December and probably run it through the critique marathon in January). And then maybe something new?

We’ll have to see where we are.

What’s on your bucket list, squiders?

WriYe and Playlists

Hey, squiders. Sorry for the radio silence. This week has been…well.

I realized I never said anything about MileHiCon. It went really well! I got things done, my panels went well, I had more people than ever come talk to me after panels, book sales were good (and I had decent online follow-through sales), I got to catch up with friends, and all-in-all fun was had.

(I am definitely out of Hallowed Hill now though.)

Next year they’re moving to a hotel much farther away, however (and it looks like some other cons are as well, which makes me wonder if the hotel did something or is going to do renovations or something) which will be problematic. I drive back and forth from home right now, which takes me about 20 minutes each direction and allows me to be flexible if I need to head to the con or leave early for other engagements.

Something to worry about more in the future, though.

Anyway, I realized I missed October’s WriYe prompt, which is:  Your favorite writing playlist. Who’s on it?

I do listen to music when I write/revise, but it’s extremely variable. I used to (and still do sometimes–I’m in the very beginning stages of making a Book 2 playlist, which has about 3 songs on it at the moment, but it’s pretty low priority because I don’t foresee myself actually working on Book 2 until something happens with Book 1–so of course my mind is super focused on it) make story specific playlists, which can be hit or miss, because sometimes it takes a while to find enough songs to fill it up, and it can very much be a procrastination activity. And often a song goes with a specific scene or character, which makes it not necessarily useful for the book at large.

Often I just listen to a particular type of music. Sometimes I go off of tone (so, for example, listening to atmospheric instrumental music if I’m writing horror, or epic metal if I’m writing fantasy). Sometimes I just listen to music that helps me focus, especially if I’m revising.

I use Pandora primarily when listening to music, because I can just pick a tone or genre that feels like it will work for whatever I’m doing, and it will go on by itself without me needing to do a lot. I use the free version, so I do get some commercials, but it’s not as bad as YouTube has gotten.

And I do use YouTube as well occasionally, mostly for things like “3 hours of summer coffee shop sounds” that are just making noise in the background, which tends to be helpful if I’m revising and need to focus a lot on actual wording in the story. There’s a Skyrim one (pomodoros in the College of Winterhold) that I’m digging lately.

As for who is on my playlist(s), the songs tend to be whoever I’m listening to anyway. I’ll hear a song on my normal stations and make a note of it for when I put together playlists together. Right now I’ve been listening to a lot of dance music, so that tends to be what’s getting put on this particular playlist.

(This does tend to date some playlists over time, since my music tastes do shift over time and I’ll go through different phases.)

If you make playlists, how do you do it?


Happy Halloween, squiders! I’ve been listening to Spooky, Scary Skeletons on repeat because it’s my favorite spooky song.

With October ending (sad), normally at this time of year we’d at least talk about the possibility of doing NaNoWriMo, but with the recent scandals I, like, many people, have decided to distance myself from the organization.

I assume they’re going forward business-as-usual, but I unsubscribed everywhere and don’t know. But part of me very much wants to peek, not unlike looking at the social media of an ex in the hopes that they’re unhappy.

(So far I have not.)

If you’ve been around the blog for a hot minute, you’ll know I had been doing Nano forever, having started back in 2003 when there were approximately 5000 of us total. And that when I lived in the Bay Area, I used to volunteer and help pack merch before the organization got big and they hired other people/companies to do that. And poor Chris. It’s got to be hard to watch something you invented get big and then go down in horrible flames.

My local Nano group has gone independent, like many, and they’re holding a kickoff party tonight, like they always do. They’re offered alternative programs for tracking word count and whatnot, which I’ve not had a chance to look at yet, but should just because it’s always good to find tools that will help your process.

I often go to the kickoff party even if I’m not doing Nano, just because I like the fellowship and I used to collect the Nano stickers each year. But I’m torn this year. It really is like breaking up from a longterm relationship. I had done Nano for so long, and I met so many of my writing friends during the event.

But I can’t decide if I should go tonight. I’m not going to attempt a Nano-like challenge, partly because of my personal baggage, and partially because I have to get these submission materials done. Is it worth it to go? Will people want to commiserate? Will it be weird, with people pretending everything is fine?

I checked the sign up, and only 11 people are currently signed up. Not sure how it normally goes. Maybe everyone decides last minute. Maybe a bunch of people come without signing up.

I should decide, though, and let them know if I’m going to come. But I really can’t decide what the right choice is.

What do you think, squiders?

The Random Number Generator Most of the Way Through

Good afternoon, squiders. MileHiCon starts in about an hour, and I’m not quite ready, so that tracks.


I did get moderator questions for all my panels (including the one I’m moderating, so obviously someone else is writing them for all the panels, and if it’s the same person for all of them she should ask for some help) so at least that got done without me actually doing it.

I have found all my supplies and/or made and printed new ones. The panels continue to be a bit underprepared for. Ah well. Perhaps we will have time later. Or we’ll wing it, which can go poorly or fine, from past experience.

Now. It’s the 25th, so we have about 20 days of active data on our random number generator experiment. How are we feeling?

Well, in general, I’d say it was a success. I started on my SkillShare class, which I had been avoiding for months, and made progress on all the other goals (though I did not finish any of them). And circumventing the “I have a lot to do, which should I work on right now?” issue definitely improved my overall productivity.

Now, the cons. Well, I made progress on everything, some things were easier to make progress on than others. The submission material goal had time spent on it but no real progress (and someone mentioned I could comp authors and not specific books if I was having a hard time finding a fit which, omg, is so much easier, I’m going to do that), and the short story only got a couple hundred words each time because I had to reorientate myself each time. SkillShare had definite momentum. The drawing goals worked the best, because I could spend more time on each of them when they came up (I can watch my spouse play Assassin’s Creed and draw, for instance, but I cannot watch him play and also write) and because they’re mostly for fun.

So, we’ll definitely finish out the month, but we’ll need to make some changes for November so the submission goal gets done. Maybe cancel other writing goals until it does, or get rid of the drawing goals (which are definitely easier and I will default to if left to my own devices). Maybe just do the submission goals.

I’ve got a week to figure it out.

No Nanowrimo this year, or ever again probably, for obvious reasons. My local group has rebelled, so I may still go to the kickoff next Thursday. The submission materials MUST get done so I also don’t get to switch to anything new, which makes the timing not great.

Ah well.

Wish me luck for this weekend!

Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover