Writing Retreat Aftermath

Hidey-ho, squiders! It’s been four days since I’ve been home from my retreat, and I gotta say, I miss the level of productivity I had going for me. I got through four chapters and about 15K words, which means I might actually finish the entire draft this week!

I have been working on this revision for over a year, so you have no idea how freeing that idea is.

So, my retreat went from Thursday to Sunday morning, and each day was basically divided up into three sections. Well, Friday and Saturday were, I guess. Thursday you could arrive between 1 and 6 pm and then there was a meet and greet after dinner, and Sunday we had breakfast and then needed to be out by 10:30 am (I had to leave a little early because the larger, mobile one’s Scout campout was getting back about an hour before I expected them to).

So basically, there was breakfast, then a session from 9 to 12 that could be used to go to one of the classes or write on your own, and then another from 1 to 6, and a third after dinner which in theory could go forever (though they looked the doors at 11 so you had to be in the correct building at that time). The classes were nice too, in that they averaged about an hour and a half, so you still had time outside them to write in that block.

But it went great. I met a lot of other authors and had some really good conversations, and outside of meals I didn’t especially have to (and didn’t) interact, which is good, because by Sunday morning I was feeling pretty peopled out even though I was having a great time and enjoying everyone’s company.

I was very productive and I feel good about what I got done, though I did end up just working on the revision. Once I got going it seemed silly to derail my momentum, and I can work on new story ideas in a few months between other projects, when it might be more logical.

And even though I was productive, I didn’t just work the whole time. I got up early Friday and Saturday to go to yoga, and I’d say I spent most of the morning sessions working and half the afternoon sessions. I also read a book, walked the labyrinth about eight times, went for an impromptu hike (and got rained on), explored everywhere I thought I was allowed to go, played some Minesweeper, and took a couple of naps. (The evening sessions were kind of hit or miss. I did work a bit during them, but in general my focus wasn’t great.)

I went to two of the classes, which we’ll talk more about next week, and the meet and greet, but otherwise I stuck to writing.

I guess my one complaint–two complaints–would be that there wasn’t a lot of great places to work outside my room. There was a desk in my room, kinda small and with a support bar to knock your shins against, that I mostly worked at, and I also worked in the conference room after a class once (when I was working on a new chapter and didn’t need my papers with me) and in the lobby once (paper editing, so just papers and pen). But while there were lots of chairs, there weren’t a lot of tables. There WERE tables outside, but they were those metal ones with the holes in them, and it kept raining. (Saturday afternoon I figured out the code to the other building and cruised through it, and the basement had some nice spots to work in, but at that point it seemed like a lot of work to drag all my stuff out of my building and across the way.)

The other complaint is that we kept running out of coffee, though, honestly, that’s probably for the best.

Anyway, I highly recommend this sort of thing. I’m already making plans to go to the one next year.

Ever done a retreat, squiders? What did you think?

Promo: Cressida’s Agents by Mikala Ash

Morning, squiders! My retreat was EXCELLENT, highly recommend.

Today I’ve got a steampunk novel for you! Steampunk is always so interesting to see in books, because so much of it is a visual medium.



Date to be Published: June 7, 2024

Publisher: Changeling Press



Replete with all the trappings of an alternate world — airships, steam powered aircraft, automatons, moon bases, and witches with psychic powers — Cressida’s Agents is a steamy thrill-a-minute ride in a universe of what could have been.

Cressida Troy, after being mesmerised into betraying humanity, is now the wife of Mon Ilson, the alien leader, and is crowned Empress of Space. While pretending to be the love of his long-life, Cressida is desperately seeking a way to redeem herself, and somehow save human civilization from destruction at his hands. Then her former fiancé, Jacob, is captured and brought to the moon. Can she earn back his love, or has her seeming betrayal hurt him too much?

Meanwhile on Earth, Marjorie, in the guise of brothel madam and casino owner is acting as an agent of Mon Ilson. Her goal is to learn from him the secret of immortality, and for now she must do his bidding. A violent assassination attempt on her airship Fortuna brings her into the strong arms of handsome Squadron Leader, Sir Christopher “Kit” Colby. Her attempt to uncover the mastermind behind the plot leads them both into deadly danger.





About the Author

Aussie Mikala Ash used to be a mild-mannered training & development consultant by day, and a wild sci-fi and paranormal adventure writer by night. Now she is a brazen full-time writer and nature photographer who is concentrating on having among other things, “… bags, and bags of fun!” Mikala can be found on Facebook and on Twitter.


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Publisher on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok: @changelingpress


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Retreat Tomorrow!


I’m very excited. Fingers crossed that this is an excellent experience! I’ve decided to go with the combo revision/outlining idea that I talked about last week. I kind of feel like this is the both of best worlds–I make progress on my revision, which is the smart project to work on, and I can work on creating some new stories to work on in a bit.

Do I feel a little bad about not writing at the writing retreat? No. It’s more I feel like I should feel bad, but in the end this retreat is for me, and I can do what I want.

Also, technically the revision IS writing, since I’m working on new parts and rearranging the old parts, and retyping/rewriting everything.

(Also, on the off chance that I get an amazing idea and get it to the point where I could start writing on it, I give myself permission to do so.)

Not quite ready, though. A lot of logistical things need to be done in the morning, and I’m beginning to wonder if I didn’t leave myself enough time.


Anyway, wish me luck! (and remind me not to forget my yoga mat)

WriYe and Writing Retreats

HA! What are the odds?

(I still am not sure about what to work on at my retreat next week. Leaning more toward a combo of revision/idea planning but haven’t given up on outlining something new to work on. Still, I would need to have some free time. Yesterday was the last day of school and was full of ceremonies, but maybe today I can spend some time on it.)

This month’s WriYe prompt is: Plan out your ideal writing retreat. Who would you invite? Where would it be held?

I’ve done maybe two writing retreats previously. One was for Nano in, oh, 2019? I booked a room in a local hotel for one night, ordered in food, and banged out 9000 words (which caught me up). That’s probably your most basic of retreats. Not necessarily sustainable in the long run.

The other time, I went up the Stanley Hotel in Estes Park for a night. That was a group, and we wrote for several hours (and potlucked dinner), and then I went to bed while everyone else went ghost hunting. (My stance on ghosts is that I Do Not believe in them, but I would prefer not to have that worldview challenged.) I don’t remember what I was working on then, but it was probably about 10 years ago.

And, of course, there’s this one next week (less than a week from now!), which has 33 people going and lasts for a few days.

Requirement #1: Someone else must feed me.

I cook dinner almost every day, and while I don’t mind it (it’s relaxing, sometimes, and definitely healthier), it’s such a treat when I don’t have to cook. Any perfect writing retreat for me is going to give me food. Ideally it would be healthy and delicious.

Requirement #2: Built-in Breaks

My focus is not necessarily the greatest thing ever. I can and have written for hours straight, but that is definitely not the norm. And the longer I “focus,” the worse my focus gets. (Like, if I write for an hour and a half straight, and try to keep going, the more breaks I’m going to take to check Discord or something, or stare out the window, or poke at my phone.)

I know this about myself. At home I set timers sometimes–write for so long, take a ten minute break, etc. because I know if I try to force myself to work for too long, my brain is going to rebel. So having a couple hours of working time, and then something else, like a meal, or a walk, or a nap, would be best.

Not too many breaks, though, or nothing get done.

Requirement #3: The ability to isolate

Can I write together with other people? Yes. Is this the most productive way to work? Sometimes! That’s the whole reason “write-ins” exist. If people are focused and writing, it acts as a form of peer pressure, a “they’re working, so I should work” sort of deal.

(I recently learned about a concept related to ADHD called body doubling–though I can never remember what the concept is called and have to search every time I want to tell someone about this–where the ADHD person sits with someone else, which helps them focus on their own tasks. This is essentially the same thing.)

But I’ve also been at write-ins where we spent an hour talking about Star Trek, or laughing over something on the Internet, or coming up with elaborate lore that had nothing to do with anyone’s stories.

So sometimes it’s better to go off and work on your own (provided you will actually work and not scroll memes), and the ability to choose would be helpful.

Requirement #4: The ability to go outside

Not to work, necessarily. I actually don’t like to write outside. It’s hard to see the screen, or your paper blows around, or it rains on you, or you get distracted by squirrels…

But I love to go for walks, especially through the woods, and having the ability to go out into nature for a bit is very beneficial to me. I’ve been on non-writing retreats where I kind of burn out on people and being inside, and going outside (by myself) always helps.

So, yeah, an outdoor environment that I can sit in is super great.

People or no-people?

I’m not sure on whether my ideal writing retreat would be me, out in a cabin near the forest, where someone brings me food a couple times a day, or whether it would be better to be with a group of people in a retreat center or something (out near the forest).

If you’re alone, there’s less distractions (in theory).

With other people, you can benefit from the body doubling we talked about above. You can network and make new friends. When we started talking about writing retreats here a few months ago, that’s what I wanted out of one the most (which is why we started with conferences and moved on to residencies before ending up at retreats).

But other people can also be a problem. If you don’t gel with the other attendees, or if people keep interrupting you, or if people are actively malicious…

I may have to go to this one next week and then make a final decision on this front.

What about you, squiders? If you were going to a retreat (not necessarily for writing, but for anything), what would your perfect one look like?

Writing Retreat Options

Hiya, squiders! How are you? The last week of school is kicking my butt here, even though I thought I put enough reminders everywhere to not forget things (I forgot a camping meeting with the smaller, mobile one’s troop leader–which was a one-on-one–and just got a text from a parent putting together a video for the bigger, mobile one’s teacher that I also completely forgot about, wheeee).

Yesterday I did a video interview for SPFBO, hosted by the lovely Katherine D. Graham. It’s been a long time since I’ve done any sort of video anything (I think the last one was when I moderated a virtual editing panel for MileHiCon in…2020?) and I succumbed to my nerves more than I would have liked. Ah well.

My writing retreat starts next Thursday! My spouse promises me all the logistics of the mobile ones are taken care of, so I’m trying not to stress out too badly about that. The retreat should be fun. There’s some optional seminar type of classes throughout the day, some of which sound useful, and yoga every morning (the older I get the more I appreciate yoga), and plenty of writing time (especially if you don’t go to all the classes).

But I find myself with a conundrum. What do I work on while I’m there?

The retreat is four-ish days, with several writing or class blocks throughout. (Thursday has seven-ish writing hours, Friday has nine-ish but also potentially the most useful classes, Saturday has nine-ish as well as a brainstorming session, and Sunday has about one and a half)

That’s a lot of writing time! I could potentially get so much done.

Basically, it comes down to three options:

  1. I continue to work on the Book One revision. I’m on Chapter 27 right now, and I might get it and the brand new Chapter 28 done before the retreat, which leaves Chapters 29-32 still needing to be finished to complete the revision. On one hand, this would be a good way to buckle down and get the revision finished. On the other hand, it’s not very creative, if you know what I mean. I know what happens and am unlikely to deviate from the established story. Also, I get squirrelly as I approach The End and I worry I might waste my time instead of focusing.
  2. I spend my time going through my idea documents and outlining a variety of other stories. I have a bunch of ideas floating around, and I could probably come up with a good dozen outlines. And then I would have plenty of stories to work on in the near future, and feel like I’m making progress on my idea document, which is not a real thing you can accomplish but still.
  3. I spend some time before the retreat outlining a new idea (or a couple, if they’re shorter), and then I work on the new idea(s) during the retreat.

I suppose I could also maybe do a combination, where I work on my revision part of the time and do something else the rest of the time. Hm, decisions, decisions.

I just want to make sure that I’m using this time the best I can. I don’t often get a chance to just buckle down and write, and who knows when the next opportunity will come along.

What do you think, squiders? What would you do?


Howdy howdy, squiders! How are you?

The big news of the week is SPFBO (Self Published Fantasy Blog Off), which is a year-long competition. 300 fantasy books go in, 10 finalists are selected, and 1 book wins (and some of those have gone on to receive traditional book deals because of the competition).

I’ve been aware of it for, oh, eight years, I want to say? I think I originally found it about when City of Hope and Ruin came out, because I remember mentioning it to Siri, and we’d missed the deadline for the year. Every so often I remember it exists and check up on it, but because I am flighty and there’s fifty million things that you should, in theory, keep up on as an indie author, I am not normally on the right trajectory to participate.


This year, a few months out, I put a to do on my to do list app (I use Todoist for long-term things and Microsoft To Do for daily lists) to get ready for SPFBO. I read the rules several times. I downloaded an epub of my book off Smashwords, and found a copy of the cover.

Traditionally (this is the tenth year of the contest), the first 300 entries get in, so you have to be primed and ready at the right time. But this year they operated on a lottery system, where you had 24 hours to enter, and then they selected the 300 out of those. Lovely! Less stress, except for the stress of whether or not you’d be selected in the lottery.

(Which, to be fair, was a lot of stress.)

But I made it in! And then promptly fretted for two days about whether I’d messed something up and would be disqualified before the contest even started.

Oh. I entered Hidden Worlds.

The contest rules say that a book can be entered, no matter how old. Hidden Worlds was a launch title for TDP at the end of 2010 (though I had published an earlier version that needed some help, in 2009) and it is my oldest book (that’s not an anthology). But I never truly gave it a book launch, because of imposter syndrome and a bunch of other silly reasons, and so, despite it being my highest rated book, and the one that I’ve gotten the best reviews on (including a 5-star review from Reader’s Favorite), it hasn’t ever really had any reach.

(Mark, who runs the contest, put up a list of the five oldest books. Hidden Worlds is the second oldest.)

From what I understand, SPFBO is great for visibility. My hope is that this fun little book finally gets the love that it deserves. I don’t expect it to be selected as a finalist or anything like that–it’s up against a ton of other great books–but if I could get 100 or even 50 new eyes on it, or a dozen new reviews, the contest will have made it for me.

(Of course, there’s always the possibility that it gets eliminated immediately once the contest officially starts on June 1. The reviewers don’t HAVE to read all their books. But fingers crossed!)

Wish me luck, squiders!

In the Trenches

Happy Friday, squiders. How’s May treating you? I’m slowly going out of my mind.

Reception for Deep and Blue has been pretty decent. On a sadder note, Turtleduck Press, which I’ve been a part of for many, many years (we went live at the end of 2010–Hidden Worlds was one of the launch titles–but we’d worked behind the scenes for at least a year leading up to that) has decided to close its doors. It never quite cemented into the publishing press we wanted it to be, and as time went on and life did its thing, it became harder and harder to maintain our publishing schedule.

Definitely sad, but it is time.

I’m in the middle of Chapter 26 on the Book 1 edit. I’m essentially rearranging the end of the book; nothing that substantial, but a lot of fiddly things. I’m adding in two new chapters, moving a couple of things between viewpoints, overhauling things like that. A lot of the wording is old, probably because, substance wise, I haven’t changed a lot over the various drafts. But that does need to be fixed. Whee.

I’m not making progress as quickly as I would want to. Part of that is that May is a notoriously rough time of year, what with school ending and all the responsibilities that entails. The other part is that I get squirrelly the closer I get to the ending of a story.

This has been true forever and I’ve never quite figured out how exactly to fix it, so it tends to manifest as me getting tiny chunks done until we’re finished. I think it’s a combination of the excitement of finishing a project and the fear of a project being done. I’ve mentioned before that I tend to feel a sense of…loss, almost, when I finish a big project (which is why, sometimes, I will work on multiple projects near the end of a big one, to fend off that particular feeling, though this is not always feasible).

And with this story, after the revision is done, the plan is to write a query and submit to agents, to try and go the traditional publishing route. It’s been a long time since I’ve queried with any real purpose, and it wasn’t terribly fun, and from my writing groups it sounds like it’s only gotten worse. So there may be an element of that added in to the usual mix.

Still, I am excited to work on this part of the story. The ending of Book 1 has stayed more or less the same since I initially imagined the story *mumblemumble* years ago, and it’s always been in pretty good shape. I think the planned changes are only going to make it shine more, and I’m excited to make that a reality.

Which makes the squirreliness all the more annoying.

Anyway, wish me luck. See you next week, squiders!

Promo: Legacy of the Witch by Kirsten Weiss

Good morning, squiders! I’ve got a guest post today from Kirsten Weiss, who is promoting her new paranormal mystery, Legacy of the Witch!

GENRE:  paranormal women’s fiction mystery


Seeker: As societies grow increasingly fragmented, hopelessness, nihilism, and division are on the rise. But there is another way—a way of mystery and magic, of wholeness and transformation. Do you dare take the first step? Our path is not for the faint-hearted, but for seekers of ancient truths…

All April wants is to start over after her husband’s sudden death. She’s conjuring a new path—finally getting her degree and planning her new business in bucolic Pennsylvania Dutch country. Joining an online mystery school seems like harmless fun.

But when a murdered man leaves her a cryptic message, she catches glimpses of another reality she’s unwilling to acknowledge. A reality where bygone enchantments cast cryptic shadows, and the present brims with unanswered questions.

As April works to unearth the mystery, every step brings her closer to a truth she’s been evading. And to a conspiracy of hexes that may end in her demise.

Legacy of the Witch is a spellbinding, interactive tale of a woman’s midlife quest to understand the complexities of her own heart. A paranormal women’s fiction murder mystery for anyone who’s wondered if there might be more to their own life than meets the eye…

Book 1 in the new Mystery School Series featuring the UnTarot, a deck of cards for meaning making. Start reading now!

UnTarot deck app included!


Of all the life-ruining mistakes I’d ever made, being late was not going to be one of them.

I double checked the campus map. My advisor’s office should have been directly ahead of me. Instead, there was a wide swathe of grass dotted with crimson leaves and way-too-young students.

At least they seemed too young to me. They had to be too young, because the alternative was that at forty-seven, I was too old. Too old to start over. Too old to rid myself of my growing collection of ghosts. Too old to get a degree. Too old to use that degree as a springboard for my dream business and dream life and dream whatever the hell I was doing.

But I couldn’t think that way. I had to have hope or I’d be stuck in the purgatory of widowhood.

I crumpled the campus map in my gloved hand. What was I doing? Everything was shifting—inside and out, above and below, and—


Inspiration for Legacy of the Witch

For at least a year I’d been planning a spin-off to my Doyle Witch series. In the last (?) Doyle Witch novel, the witches created a mystery school. I thought it would be fun to use that school as a platform for future witch mystery novels, featuring different students as amateur witch detectives.

Mystery schools have existed at least since the ancient Greeks. The aim of these schools seems to have been the pursuit of enlightenment – a deeper understanding of our existence and our place in the universe. Initiates delved into subjects like metaphysics, alchemy, and Tarot to unlock the hidden truths within ourselves.

It made sense to use the spiritual quest in the mystery school as a vehicle to highlight the heroine’s character arc and inner growth. I also wanted the story structure to be a bit more experimental in nature, including emails and assignments based on the mystery school’s UnTarot deck, so readers could “participate” in the assignments, if they wanted.

On top of all of that, I’d long dreamed of setting a witchy murder mystery in Pennsylvania Dutch country. The Penn Dutch have their own form of folk magic called Braucherei (or Powwow). I heard a little about it from my father, who was Penn Dutch, but not enough to base a story on.

Fortunately, a professor in the region, Patrick Donmoyer, has done extensive research on the practice. I had to mail order his book, Powwowing in Pennsylvania, and I relied on it heavily when I described the heroine’s encounter with the Braucher. I love it when I can justify buying a book on magic for work!


I believe in free-will, and that we all can make a difference. I believe that beauty blossoms in the conscious life, particularly with friends, family, and strangers. I believe that genre fiction has become generic, and it doesn’t have to be.

My current focus is my new Mystery School series, starting with Legacy of the Witch. Traditionally, women’s fiction refers to fiction where a woman—usually in her midlife—is going through some sort of dramatic change. A lot of us do go through big transitions in midlife. We get divorced or remarried. The kids leave the nest. Our bodies change. The midlife crisis is real—though it manifests in different ways—as we look back on where we’ve been, where we’re going, and the time we have left.

Now in my mid-fifties, I’ve spent more time thinking about the big “meaning of life” issues. It seemed like approaching those issues through witch fiction, and through a fictional mystery school, would be a fun and a useful way for me to work out some of these ideas in my own head—about change and letting go, faith and fear, and love and longing.

After growing up on a diet of Nancy Drew, Sherlock Holmes, and Agatha Christie, I’ve published over 60 mysteries—from cozies to supernatural suspense, as well as an experimental fiction book on Tarot. Spending over 20 years working overseas in international development, I learned that perception is not reality, and things are often not what they seem—for better or worse.

There isn’t a winter holiday or a type of chocolate I don’t love, and some of my best friends are fictional.




Kirsten is also giving away a $10 gift card.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks, squiders! See you later!

Help, I’m Becoming Set in My Ways

Happy Friday, squiders! How has your week been?

Mine’s been all right. My spouse is finally coming home from his business trip (he’s been on another continent for weeks) so I’m hoping some of the lingering exhaustion I’ve been feeling the past week will go away. And I did finally get through Chapter 25 on my edit, which dragged for no reason that I can see, in retrospect. I did have to go through and choreograph a fight scene that I had previously just told on a napkin on a coffee shop (I forgot my notebook), but it wasn’t that hard.

Speaking of coffee shops, today I walked to a new one that just opened to check it out. My spouse recommended doing so yesterday, but I went to my normal coffee shop instead because I just wanted to write, and I knew what to expect at my normal place, and a new place sounded very overwhelming.

I’ve run into this a few times lately. I’ll drive past a coffee shop and think, “I should check that out sometime, see if it’s a good place to write” but then, when I get the opportunity, I’ll just go to my normal place, because Change is Hard.

Like my addiction to coffee, writing directly led to my habit of hanging at coffee shops. It started in California. My local Nano chapter, which I think was called “California – South Bay” but went by SoBaNaNos, met year-round, normally on a Sunday at Orchard Valley Coffee in Campbell. I also started meeting weekly with a writing friend at a place in Mountain View. When we moved back to Colorado, again my writing groups met at coffee shops, and from there, it just became habit to write there.

(I also write other places, but it’s my treat to myself.)

(A small note about Nano–I am very disappointed in how they’ve doubled down on the scandal instead of actually fixing anything, and it honestly looks like the whole thing may go down in flames. For something that has been part of my life for so long, and something that has been very influential with my writing, it hurts to watch it go out in disgrace.)

(I have done other places–a lot of late night diner places like IHOPs, a handful of tea shops, some cafes that are more breakfast places than coffee shops–but coffee shops are definitely my favorite.)

I used to have a variety of coffee shops in the area I frequented for writing. But some went out of business, some were kind of far and the group I was meeting there disbanded, one rebranded and completely changed their menu to something stupid, etc. So now I just have the one (and a cafe that I spent a lot of time at during COVID but haven’t been to lately).

(It’s a great one, though! Fantasy themed, sells games and comics as well, has a lovely drink called a Florentine which has a hint of chocolate in it but is nowhere as intense as a mocha would be. I take all my friends there for coffee time.)

But, lo, I have dragged myself to this new one. It’s actually the fourth location of another shop I’ve been driving by and saying I should check out for years. (It went into the location of another coffee shop that used to be on my rotation, but it changed owners and the new owners went harder on the boutique aspect than the coffee shop aspect. Also their coffee was hugely expensive.) It seems…fine? They’re obviously still moving in (they opened on Monday, so I’m actually moving pretty quickly here) so the walls are bare and they only have a limited menu, but the space is really nice without the boutique stuff everywhere, and it seems like it has plenty of seating. Music is a little loud but that’s why God invented headphones.

Maybe I’ll give it another try. I should. Changing pace is good for you.

What do you think, squiders? Good to mix up your routine? Okay to find some place that really vibes for you and use it exclusively?

Happy Deep and Blue Release Day!

Good evening, squiders! Holy cow, it’s already May. Where is the year going?

It’s release day for my scifi novelette Deep and Blue! We talked about the cover and the description a few weeks ago, but here they are again. I’m releasing it only on Amazon for now, on Kindle Unlimited, and we’ll re-evaluate about going wide in a few months.

Buy it here!

Deep and Blue cover

When the surface became unlivable, humanity retreated under the waves. 

In the underwater city of Haven, oceanographer Kaeri has been given her first assignment: a coveted spot on the team working to return the people of Haven to the surface. 

No friends. No family. An opportunity to earn her place. 

Not quite ostracized but never welcomed, Kaeri has never belonged. Something about her parents, though no one has ever explained what. And though she has become a respected scientist, people still shy away from her in the corridors, their conversations dying away. 

The new job is a chance to change all that. But before she can begin, strange things start happening. Shadows flit across the security cameras. Doors to airlocks and power generators unlock themselves. And people, across the city, are being attacked by something invisible. 

If Kaeri can save Haven from these mysteries, people will have to accept her. But digging into Haven’s secrets may bring answers that were better left alone.

Thank you! See you later!

Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover