Good morning, squiders! Still on track for Nano, still kind of feel like I’m cheating. I’ve completed two whole chapters and am starting on a third, though, so making great progress. Chapters are a little longer here in the middle
MileHiCon, Nano, and Assorted Sundries
Good afternoon, squiders. Hard to believe it’s November already, isn’t it? Let’s catch up. Saturday and Sunday we did get a foot of snow, but driving home from the con Saturday afternoon was the only bad time (though admittedly it
A Compromise of Sorts
Hello hello, squiders. I started writing this post on Wednesday before realizing that I was a day late on my promo post and switching to that instead. (Very embarrassing. I’ve been doing promo posts for years but have never been
Poking at Everything
Good morning, squiders. We’re having new trees put it to replace the seven (7! 50 ft or more tall!) trees we lost during the tornado. Only four (my arborist says we have to wait a few years to put trees
Chapter 10 Took a Week and a Half
Howdy, squiders, how’s your October going? Mine has so far featured two deaths, the failure of my furnace right before it got cold, and yet somehow is still better than September was. My family got me a recurve bow and
Why is This Idea Lingering?
Good news, squiders! I finally finished Chapter 9. Still a mystery as to why it took so very long, but hoorah. Started Chapter 10 today and have already made decent progress. Admittedly my notes for updating this chapter basically just
Oh Yeah
Last week I got an email from MileHiCon with the schedule of panels for this year, and then I didn’t do anything because, you know–oh, actually, you probably don’t, I was in a play last week, I was a teenager
The Neverending Chapter Nine
(Which was Chapter 10 until I realized during my critique group meeting last week that I had, once again, misnumbered my chapters, since I took Chapter 6 out completely.) (I was commenting on one of the other members’ use of
WriYe and Giving Up
Howdy howdy, squiders. Let’s continue with our catch-up, shall we? July’s prompt is: When to give up on a novel/story. Do you ever? The short answer is: yes. Yes, I do. But I really, really don’t like to. Since I
Summer Media Thoughts
I’m starting to feel like a broken record (the revision is going well! I’m getting so much great feedback! Some natural disaster came along and tried to kill me!) so let’s talk about something else for a minute. Reading I’m