Hey, squiders, sorry I’ve been AWOL for the last week. Things have been…stressful. I keep hoping that my productivity will make a return, but the fact of the matter is that my anxiety is high and I’m finding it really
Snow Day Interlude
We got a foot and a half of snow overnight, squiders, which means that the schools just gave up and everyone was home all day. Which means my focus was completely off, not like I’ve been getting anything done recently
February ArtSnacks
I still haven’t cancelled. I have no excuses. Good variety this month, though–stuff I haven’t gotten a bunch of, for the most part. Actually, only two colored things, hooray! Let’s get into the haul, shall we? Higgins Acrylic InkThis is
January ArtSnacks
Sorry this is a little late, squiders! I’ve been feeling a little under the weather the last few days. Nothing serious, but I did take it pretty easy and now am feeling much better. (Yesterday I basically watched Ghost Adventures:
December ArtSnacks
It’s that time of month! Well, a little late, honestly, because the box always comes the first week. I blame the holidays. You guys get both my actual drawing and my practice scribbles, because I did them on the same
November ArtSnacks
Ahahaha super late in the month, but it’s been one of those months. Next month’s box ships tomorrow, I think. I actually won a contest in October so I’m getting it for free, woot. Here’s my pic for this month–just
I Wonder if I am Still the Scourge of Seventh Grade Science
Story time today, squiders! When I was in seventh grade, my science teacher gave us a maze to do for extra credit. It had been drawn by a previous student of his, and went along with some system of the
October ArtSnacks (and Related Thoughts)
I got my ArtSnacks last week! Very exciting. Good to try new things. And find that you dislike all of them. (I would put a laughing emoji here if I could figure out how.) Here’s my #artsnackschallenge pic for the
A Roadblock for the Education Goal
Oh, wait, I was going to draw you a landsquid for today. Uhhh…hold on. Okay! Here we go! Hooray! It’s fall, it’s October, my FAVORITE, as I no doubt mention every year (August was the 10th anniversary of the blog,
My ArtSnacks Came! And Thoughts on Handwriting
As I mentioned last week, I signed up for a subscription box called ArtSnacks, which sends you some art supplies (and a snack) every month. Art supplies are horrible and addicting, so here we are. Anyway. My plan is to