Have you seen Meddling Kids, squiders? The cover on my copy is neon pink and green, with tentacles, so it’s rather striking. I picked up the book because I enjoyed Cantero’s first novel The Supernatural Enhancements (2014, which I probably picked up because
The Finnbranch Readalong: Undersea
Did you read this, squiders? If not, don’t. I’m not sure I’ve ever read a more confusing piece of literature in my life. Continuing on from Yearwood, we follow Finn (or do we?) as he learns more about who he
The Finnbranch Readalong: Yearwood
Hey hey, Squiders! Only one day late, which, considering how this week has gone, is a freaking miracle. So, Yearwood, book one of the Finnbranch trilogy. Did you guys read this? It’s so very ’80s fantasy it almost hurts. We’ve
Useful Link Round-up
Okay, Squiders, I want to be able to do the idea generation posts in a row, so for today, I’m going to share various links that I’ve been hoarding that other people might find interesting. Monday I’ll have a review/promo
Reading Through the Ages
Evening, Squiders. I don’t know about your library, but if it’s anything like mine, it has displays throughout of books to entice you to take home more than you can manage. One of these, right in front of the check-out
Introducing the Finnbranch Readalong
Howdy, Squiders! Let’s do a readalong, since it’s been a while. I’ve scoured my book shelves for series of the appropriate genres (which also aren’t massive) and have found Paul Hazel’s Finnbranch trilogy (Yearwood, Undersea, and Winterking) from the early
Guest Post: Realms of Edenocht by DS Johnson
Good morning, Squiders! Today I’ve got a guest post from DS Johnson, who currently has a tour going to promote her fantasy novel, Realms of Edenocht. Shazmpt has been prepared his whole life to complete the prophecy; however until recently,
Library Book Sale Finds: Mrs. McGinty’s Dead
Good afternoon, Squiders! Been a while since we’ve done one of these, hasn’t it? My archives tell me last June. In case you were wondering, I’m still working on the stack of books from the library book sales in summer
A Human Element by Donna Galanti
Happy Tuesday, Squiders! Today I’m pleased to introduce you to A Human Element by Donna Galanti, a paranormal suspense novel. Donna’s also giving away a $15 gift card, so stick around at the bottom and enter to win! Evil comes
Oh, Squiders, tech/dress rehearsal is kicking my butt. I am getting nothing else done except a ridiculous amount of laundry. I mean, I didn’t even know we owned so many clothes. I think it’s the combination of doing the laundry