Howdy, Squiders. This is just a quick note to let you know that the discussion of The Ancient One will be next Tuesday, August 2, instead of this Thursday, July 28. See you then!
The Adventures of Kate Readalong: Heartlight
Right, as promised, here we go, Squiders! I found this to be an easy read (I read it in bits over three days) but it also rubbed me wrong a lot of times. Let’s get into it, shall we? First
Library Book Sale Finds: The Spirit Ring by Lois McMaster Bujold
I know I did one of these, like, last week, and I apologize for reading library book sale books so close together. Except not really. So, as I mentioned about a month ago, I bought this book to read for
Revisiting Published Stories
Morning, Squiders. I hope you all had a lovely long weekend (for American Squiders), or that you at least didn’t get stung by a bee and fall down the stairs like some other people I know. In slightly related news,
Announcing The Adventures of Kate Readalong
A lot of reading posts this week, Squiders. But hey, I figured you wanted some variety after hearing me talk about City of Hope and Ruin for months on end! (Speaking of which, you should go enter the giveaway on
Library Book Sale Finds: Sushi for Beginners by Marian Keyes
You ever have a book that you’re not quite sure why you picked it up? That’s the case here. I have a vague memory of selecting this book from one of the library book sales last summer, but when I
Tie-in Fiction Friday: Spider-Man Emerald Mystery
Do you remember that we were doing this, Squiders? Because I checked, and the first and only time I’d done it before was in January…of 2015. So much for it being a regular sort of thing! But here we are
Free Comic Book Day Round-up From a Non-comics Person
I love Free Comic Book Day. It’s the first Saturday of every May here in the States, and has apparently been going for 15 years, judging by the “Celebrating 15 years!” on a lot of the books. You can go
In the Company of the Dead by Ciara Ballintyne
Today, I’m pleased to present to you In the Company of the Dead by Ciara Ballintyne, a new epic fantasy romance novel. Take a look and see if it sounds like something you’d like! Ellaeva’s obligations to the death goddess
Remember to Check Your To Read Bookcase
Happy Tuesday, Squiders. You get a post today! Hooray! Anyway, funny story. I’ve told you about my Twitter book club before, right? Well, we’ve been running into issues choosing books, so we’ve just put a rotation into effect, where, when