Tada! Here we go, guys! Every night the monsters hunt. A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from
Ten Books That Have Stuck With You
I was tagged a week or so on Facebook by a writer friend for one of those chain letter sort of things that goes around. (Do you remember, like, actual chain letters? That you had to write and mail with
Following a Series Real-Time
Yesterday, I finished the last book in Pierce Brown’s Red Rising trilogy, Morning Star. I picked the first book up right after it came out in early 2014, thanks to a note about it in the newspaper, and have read
Library Book Sale Finds: Uncharted Territory by Connie Willis
First of all, good news, Squiders! We’ve finally decided on a title. So that’s one thing checked off the seemingly endless list. Anyway, onward! I’ve read a couple books by Connie Willis before (To Say Nothing of the Dog, and the
The Future of the Readalongs
If you’ve been with me for a while, Squiders, you know that I have traditionally done a readalong or two a year (depending on series length). The last one we did was The Foundation Trilogy by Isaac Asimov, which wrapped
Library Book Sale Finds: The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown
I think I picked this one up because it sounded like it might be magical realism, though I’m not sure where I got that impression. It’s not; it instead falls into that category of family/personal drama. As kind of an
2015 Books in Review
If you’ve been with me for awhile, Squiders, you know I keep a list of every book I read in a year, along with genre, publication year, and a rating out of 5. Then, at the end of the year,
The Increasingly Muddy Line Between Fantasy and Science Fiction
Have I shown you my speculative fiction pyramid, squiders? Hold on, let me do a quick paint drawing for you. Tada! Behold, the speculative fiction pyramid. Because, back when I was doing the Subgenre Study, I found it increasingly difficult
Library Book Sale Finds: The Grail Tree
It’s that time of month again, Squiders. I’ve dug into the library book sale books from this summer and read another, and now I’ve come to tell you about it. (One might ask why the library book sale books are
Those Plodding Books (Or How I Just Finished a Book I Started Last October)
Have you ever read a book, Squiders, that seemed to take you forever? It’s not so godawful that you want to throw it away and never touch it again, but neither is it riveting enough to pull you through it