Most of what we grabbed at the library book sales this summer were scifi and fantasy, but I love a good mystery and so I ended up with a fair amount of those as well. And I love Agatha Christie,
Goodnight Moon: Creepy Children’s Book or Creepiest Children’s Book?
Ah, squiders, we all know Goodnight Moon, right? It’s a classic from the ’40s or some such. Good night, room. Good night, moon. Good night, cow jumping over the moon. And so on. OR SO YOU WOULD THINK. We have
Cover Reveal: Burning Bright by KD Sarge
Good morning, Squiders! Today I am pleased to reveal the cover for KD’s newest book, being released through Turtleduck Press on Nov 1st! Burning Bright is the first in a fantasy trilogy. To Keeper Apprentice Hiro Takai, Keepers are heroes,
The Book That Took Me 17 Years to Read
Ah, squiders. Have you ever had a book that you picked up, read part of, and then put down, through no fault of the book itself? You told yourself you’d get back to it. But then time stretched on and
Library Book Sale Finds: Nine Princes in Amber by Roger Zelazny
The problem with the library book sale books (now I’ve been to another one) is that I’ve got a whole bunch now, and I can’t tell which ones I picked up versus which ones my husband picked up (unless they’re
A New Way to Tackle the TBR Pile
If you’re like me, Squiders, (and I suspect you are to some extent) you have a ton of books sitting around, waiting to be read. Physical books, ebooks, books you were super excited for and yet have not touched, books
Library Book Sale Finds: The Kingdom Keepers Book 1 by Ridley Pearson
IT BEGINS I’d like to preface this by saying I did not pick this book out myself; my husband noticed it while paying for our bag o’ books and stuck in the bag because he thought it sounded ridiculous. First,
The Dangers of Library Book Sales
Ah, Squiders, library book sales. Dangerous, dangerous things, aren’t they? One of our local ones, in celebration of Western Welcome Week, is having a week-long one where you can fill up an entire bag of books for $3. Three. Dollars.
Non-Traditional Storytelling
Yesterday I finished reading The Supernatural Enhancements by Edgar Cantero (and am slightly jealous, because English is his second language and you totally cannot tell). The story is told through journal entries, letters, video and audio recording transcripts, and one of the
Taking a Look at Media
Hey, Squiders, hope you’re all having a lovely July. Mine has been too hot (hot damn), but I have been getting more writing done (mostly short stories, and also some on a joint story a friend and I are testing