As you probably know, Squiders, the left-brained side of me likes to keep statistics on each book I read in a year. This includes publication year, genre, and a rating out of 5. And then, at the end of the
Old-School Scifi
So, a few months ago, we were at our local thrift store on one of their half-off-everything days, and I discovered that someone had donated a ton of old scifi books from the 50s. Andre Norton, Asimov, people I’ve never
Autumn Sale–Everything only 99 cents!
So, exciting news, science fiction and fantasy lovers! Turtleduck Press is having a sale for the next week, and the ebook version of everything–all their anthologies, novels, and chapbooks–is only 99 cents! This includes both Shards and Hidden Worlds, as
How Reading Order Influences
So, last weekend, I was talking to a random person about scifi and fantasy authors, comparing things we’d read and suggesting new people and the like, and we had the following exchange. Guy> Oh, {author} is like Philip K. Dick.
Are Blank First Person Characters on Purpose?
So, our Twitter book club is reading The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin this month–which is the first of a high fantasy trilogy that came out about four years ago–and we all noticed something pretty quick. The book is
Under Her Protection Cover Reveal and Announcement
I am pleased to announce Turtleduck Press‘s newest anthology, Under Her Protection, being released on August 1. Under Her Protection is the longest anthology TDP has ever produced, and contains stories about men in danger and the women who rescue
Foundation Trilogy Readalong: Second Foundation
I know we’re a bit late on this one–Japan in the middle was a bit distracting–but to be perfectly honest I felt my attention wandering pretty bad on this one. Like Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation consists of two parts, the first taking place a
Is it Worth it to Know About Sub-genres?
If you’ve been around here for awhile, Squiders, you remember we spent about a year going through different science fiction and fantasy subgenres. As might be expected from going through such an activity, I sometimes find myself being really particular
Twitter Book Clubs
So, a week or so ago, I was talking to Siri, and she mentioned that she and some people she’d been talking to on Twitter were going to read a book I had expressed interest in, and she invited me
The Foundation Trilogy Readalong: Foundation and Empire
Moving on in our Foundation readalong, today we’re going to discuss the second book, Foundation and Empire. Last time, with Foundation, I speculated about how Asimov had written the book, and the answer was given to me in a forward