Hey, squiders! I’m pleased to help celebrate the release of Stacey O’Neale’s new book, The Shadow Prince. Not only does it sound like fantasy after my own heart, but you can read it for FREE. So have at it! Available
Foundation Trilogy Readalong: Foundation
First of all, I’m sorry this is a little later than I said it would be. From here on out, we should be good with a book a month. (Especially because the books are a nice, reasonable length, and fairly
Adaptations, Expansions, and Twists
Just FYI, I’m delaying the discussion on the first Foundation Trilogy book a week, so we’ll discuss on Feb 25 instead of the 18th. So, over at Turtleduck Press this week, I posted about a conversation with my mother and
Shadow Prince Cover Reveal and Miscellany
I love my miscellany, Squiders. I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I’m wearing brown Converses today, and every time I look at my feet, I, for some reason, think I’m a Time Lord. Very strange. Anyway, I apologize because the
Too Many Books (and a ROW80 Check-in)
I have this problem, Squiders, where I start new books when I am in the middle of other books. Normally it’s not that big of a deal. It’s usually only two books at a time–one on my nightstand for pre-bedtime
When Books Hook You (and Blog Topic Generator Hilarity)
Today has been one of those days, Squiders, where trying to get anything done has been a huge drag and everything seems too hard. This, sadly, includes blogging. And so I took to the interwebs in search of inspiration (and
Fanfiction Ponderings
Apparently we’re not out of the woods yet. Sorry, Squiders. I go through these fanfiction binges. They’re quite terrible, and I don’t really get anything else done during them. They’re kind of random. Sometimes it will be because I’ve finished
The Foundation Trilogy Readalong, ROW80 Check-in, and Miscellany
Good afternoon, Squiders. We’ve got a lot of ground to cover here today, so we’d better get cracking. But, first, a public service announcement: My friend’s daughter is missing and was last seen on Tuesday in Tuscon, AZ. Please keep
Why Self-Published Books Get a Bad Rap
I always mean to read more self-published books. I’ve meant to for years. I feel like it’s important to be aware of what’s out there on the self-pubbed, indie, and traditional levels so I can be more informed and not
Reading in 2013
Happy 2014, Squiders! I hope your holidays were lovely, or at least non-stressful. For those of you just joining us, or those who have joined us recently, I am a nerd, and I like statistics. And at the end of