I do not like historical fiction. It is my very least favorite genre. Not sure why–maybe I feel that the authors tend to force morals or ideas on the reader that are out of touch with the time period? Or
Following Authors Across Genre
I was, for some reason, thinking about J.K. Rowling this morning, and wondering if she’s disappointed in the sales for her latest book, The Casual Vacancy. Sales for it have been decent, more than decent, really, but 120,000 copies in
Announcing Seasons Eternal
Hey Squiders, do you have friends or family (or yourself) that enjoy science fantasy? Do you need Christmas (or other holiday) present ideas? Then look no further! The incredibly sexy ladies over at Turtleduck Press (myself included) have just put
Time Quintet Re-read: A Swiftly Tilting Planet
I want to begin by saying that I have a paperback copy from 1981, and Charles Wallace has an epically bad late-70s/early-80s haircut on the cover. Let’s see. Having read this now, I don’t think I’ve read it before. I
Of Sulking Alpacas and Scones
Landsquid left his house through the front door, carrying a basket of freshly made chocolate chip scones (which are the best kind) over one tentacle. He steeled himself, then quickly hurried down his front walkway, around the fence, and up
General Update and Thoughts on Adaptations
First of all, I want to apologize for missing Thursday’s update. I spent all of Thursday convinced it was Wednesday, and it wasn’t until my to-do app yelled at me about not blogging at about 8 PM that I realized
Time Quintet Re-read: Many Waters
Hopefully no one got confused (like Ian *cough*) and read A Swiftly Tilting Planet instead. While Planet was published before Many Waters, Many Waters goes first chronologically. I still like it a lot. Bible mythology is one of my very
When Is a Bad Book Too Bad?
I’m curious, Squiders. At what point do you put down a book that you don’t like? One that you honestly feel like you are wasting your life by reading. One that you are wondering how it ever made it to
A Landsquid, a Turtleduck, and a Ghost Story Walk Into a Bar…
Hey, want to see what a landsquid looks like when you haven’t drawn one in a few months? My imagination is weird. Also, in celebration of the haunting season being afoot, you can read my new ghost story, The Door
The Dangers of Being Informed
So, like most of you, Squiders, I love to read. I love a drizzly afternoon with a book in my lap and a cup of cocoa close at hand. I love visiting new places and meeting new friends. And, also