Aside from being an obnoxiously long title for a blog post, have you noticed this? You’re talking to someone about the latest big science fiction movie. They’re excited for it. So you’re like, oh, hey, a kindred soul, and ask
In Defense of Fantasy: Multiple Sentient Species
Let’s look at Earth. We have exactly one sentient species: us. Humans. (Although, it can be argued that other advanced species – elephants, gorillas, dolphins, whales – are sentient, depending on what particular factors one’s looking at. But, for the
In Defense of Fantasy: Magic vs. Technology
To go in a slightly different direction, this week we’ll be looking at aspects of fantasy that tend to get flak from readers. Unlike science fiction, of course, fantasy doesn’t need to conform to modern-day scientific knowledge, but that can
In Defense of Science Fiction: Utopias as Dystopias
This is more something that’s fallen out of favor as opposed to something that people argue scientifically against. A utopia, by definition, is a perfect society – everyone is happy, cared for, and no one wants for anything. Dystopias are
In Defense of Science Fiction: Aliens
Sure, aliens may not be as endangered in science fiction as time or interstellar travel, but they have their detractors as well. The possibility of there being other intelligent life in the galaxy is typically defined by Drake’s Equation, but
In Defense of Science Fiction: Interstellar Travel
Today we’re going to look at interstellar travel. A few years ago, someone science-y looked at interstellar travel, declared it impossible, and inadvertently killed interstellar travel in science fiction. (By the by, by interstellar travel, we’re talking about jetting off
In Defense of Science Fiction: Time Travel
For the next two weeks, I’m going to look at typical aspects of science fiction that seem to have fallen out of favor for whatever reason. First up: time travel. Why has this fallen into disrepute? Well, according to modern
Looking Again at Genre (A Rebuttal to Root Beer)
Early on in this blog’s life, I wrote a post about how genre is like root beer. Long story short, it seems like every story has some element that stuffs it into a genre, no matter what else is included
The Used Book Controversy
Some of you may be sitting there wondering how used books are controversial. Books are books are books, right? And sure, some of them have contents that might raise some hackles, but how are used books more controversial than new
Obligatiory Hunger Games Post
I think this is required these days. You read the Hunger Games, either the first book or the entire trilogy (and/or read the synopses online or watch the movie) and make a thoughtful post about social commentary. Well, you’re not