I know what you’re thinking. You’re thinking “how do you punch a genre in the face?” The answer is: with great force. I love science fiction, don’t get me wrong. I am fond of several different subgenres, from space opera
Too Many Books?
My husband and I will soon have a free shelf. You see, it’s currently occupied by a wooden ship model that I inherited from my grandfather, but the ship will soon be moving to a new room that has a
Why is Tag Called Tag?
I’m not going to answer that question, I’m just wondering. Does it have something to do with tagging animals? Except it seems like the game is a lot older than tracking animals, so who knows. Anyway, KD Sarge has tagged
Why TPKs Suck
It’s Friday night D&D again, and we’re well on our way to all having our butts handed to us hardcore by some treants, which are essentially the D&D version of the Ents from LOTR. Our DM, a few sessions ago, decided he was annoyed
What’s In a Name?
A lot, it turns out. Like it or not, names are often our first impression, especially when dealing with the written word. They color how we see someone. Admittedly, depending on how a character is written, those impressions can be
Familiarity Breeds Like (and Eventually Hate)
You know when you hear a song on the radio and it’s not really amazing, but you listen to it anyway because it’s too much work to change the station? And as time goes on, you hear it more and
An Excuse to Learn
One of the best things about books is that you learn new things. This is true both whether you are reading them or writing them. New places, new cultures, new mythology…oh, it is grand. One of my favorite things about
Beloved Characters
Think about it. Throughout the years, there’s been characters that you have adored, whether you’ve identified with them or just thought they were wonderfully bizarre. I can name a handful off the top of my head. As a writer, it’s
Disconnect between Fantasy Books and Gaming?
To go along with Wednesday’s post, there seems to be a bit of disconnect between modern fantasy novels and stories and modern games. As we speak, I happen to be gathered around the dining room table playing a session of
Generational Fantasy
A friend recently loaned me a fantasy trilogy. (I am on the second book.) I started reading and was struck by how…80s…it read. I mean, this trilogy is from the 80s, but even if I hadn’t checked the publication date