Hey, squiders! Guess who finally finished the book? And only two weeks late. For those of you just joining us, we’ll be reading the Uglies trilogy by Scott Westerfeld, with the option of reading the fourth book depending on how
Snow Day Interlude
We got a foot and a half of snow overnight, squiders, which means that the schools just gave up and everyone was home all day. Which means my focus was completely off, not like I’ve been getting anything done recently
Announcing the Uglies Readalong
Hi squiders! It’s been forever since we’ve done a readalong. I mean, that’s because we started Kim Stanley Robinson’s Mars trilogy and got half way through the second book (Green Mars) and made it no farther. Well, I made it
Media Round-Up Time
My Among Us group has started another tournament and I, like an idiot who doesn’t like to be productive, signed up for it. First match was Monday on my worst map, and I got more points than last tournament and
Poking Around
I finished my client edit! Woo, that was an undertaking. And now I find myself with time to spend on my own projects! But I also feel a little burnt out. I mean, that figures , but holy cow, is
Yearend Book Round-up 2020
Hi, squiders! It’s that time again! (stats stats stats!) Books Read in 2020: 59Change from 2019: +4 This may actually be the most I’ve read, since I started tracking. Of those*:13 were Nonfiction12 were Fantasy11 were Mystery6 were Science Fiction5
Letting Myself Give Up
I hate to start a book I don’t finish, squiders. You guys know that, if you’ve been here a while, since I once posted about a book I started in high school and finished quite a bit later. In fact,
Well, I’m Going to Do It
We talked a few weeks back about Shannara and the TV show and how it was the series that got me into epic fantasy, and how the series is complete now so I could, if so inclined, go back and
Back to My Roots
I think I’ve told you guys this before, but the very first adult high fantasy book I ever read was Wishsong of Shannara, by Terry Brooks. I was 12 at the time, and I got the book out of my
Used Bookstore Finds: Bet Me by Jennifer Crusie
Yes, I read a 400-page book in a day. What’s your point? (The smaller, mobile one is virtual again and it sounds like the bigger, mobile one will be soon, so my productivity has taken a nose dive again. Right