Well, Squiders, I have finally finished my chainsaw edit of my YA paranormal/dark fantasy novel. It ended up being approximately 90,000 words, which makes it 15,000 words longer than the original draft. Most of the new stuff is related to
Speculative Fiction is a Product of its Time
If you remember, last year I acquired and read a short story collection of the best science fiction and fantasy stories from 1959. For those too lazy to click the link, I mentioned that I thought that most, if not
Tie-in Fiction Friday: Star Trek #8 Black Fire
Here’s something I’m going to try out on and off throughout the year, Squiders. I think there’s a bit of stigma against tie-in fiction, to some extent. And I don’t mean a book that gets made into a movie (though
Book Announcement: Even the Score
I’m pleased to announce the release of Turtleduck Press‘s latest book, Even the Score! One, two, three, How many will my victims be? One, two, three, four, How many more to even the score? When Taro Hibiki leads a survival
Science Fiction is Hard
So, I’ve started my space dinosaur story, and in general things are going well, but I’ve discovered I was underprepared in some aspects. Yes, I had the history of the world between now and the start of the book, had
Old-School Scifi
So, a few months ago, we were at our local thrift store on one of their half-off-everything days, and I discovered that someone had donated a ton of old scifi books from the 50s. Andre Norton, Asimov, people I’ve never
Autumn Sale–Everything only 99 cents!
So, exciting news, science fiction and fantasy lovers! Turtleduck Press is having a sale for the next week, and the ebook version of everything–all their anthologies, novels, and chapbooks–is only 99 cents! This includes both Shards and Hidden Worlds, as
Previously Discovered Territory
So, I’ve been working on determining a project to work on for Nanowrimo. And, since I haven’t started a new rough draft in four years, I’ve got a huge list of story ideas that I’ve written down, to get to
Let’s Get On With the Space Travel
So, I suspect a lot of us have seen this picture floating about the Internet (for people too lazy to click, it has two columns–the first is Star Trek and a piece of technology, and the second is that technology
General Geekery
I hope everyone’s having a lovely summer and getting to see all the movies/TV shows and read the books they want. As for as what I’ve been up to lately: 1) Guardians of the Galaxy I don’t get out to