Good afternoon, squiders! Exciting developments in these parts. (I’m not sure who put Taig in mad mode in the background. I suspect a child.) We talked about my daruma doll a month back or so, but for those who missed
Sorry I was such a downer on Tuesday, squiders. I’ve been doing some thinking. Bookstooge, on my last post, mentioned that I might have over-committed myself. And I laughed to myself and was like, no, no, everything is fine, I
Massive Brainfart
Hey, squiders, how are you doing? I certainly didn’t mean to leave blogging to the last minute this week, but hey, December, amirite? So I’ve been chugging along on going over the comments on my scifi horror novella from the
Troubleshooting: How Many Rejections are Too Many?
All right, Squiders! Let’s get into the troubleshooting portion of submission and publication, which will be the last section included here on the blog. Please let me know if this book blogging thing is working for you, and if you’d
Publishing Novels Traditionally: After the Agent
Okay, squiders! This’ll wrap up traditional publishing for novels, and then we’ll take a bit of a break before we jump into self-publishing novels. So let’s say you’ve gotten an agent if you wanted one. Your agent may work with
Publishing Novels Traditionally: The Submission Process
Continuing on from Monday’s post about the ways to have a novel traditionally published, and Wednesday’s post about agents. If you haven’t read those and also aren’t familiar with those topics, you might want to start there. So, let’s say
Publishing Novels Traditionally: Agents
The most common way to have a novel published traditionally is with the help of an agent. An agent is a representative for the author and their work who helps the author sell said work and hopefully get a good
Traditionally Publishing Novels: Two Paths
Okay, moving on to novels! (If you have any suggestions or questions on short stories, please let me know!) There are two routes one can take when publishing a novel traditionally. The first method is to get an agent, and
The Agony of Book Descriptions (Also: help!)
What is a book description you say, Squiders? It’s that thing that shows up next to a book on Amazon (or your favorite book-buying location) that gives you a basic run down of the plot so you know whether or
Turtleduck Press is Open for Submissions
Turtleduck Press, an independent publishing co-op specializing in science fiction and fantasy, is now open to submissions for people wishing to join. Information about TDP, membership perks, and submission guidelines are available here. While you’re looking at the submission information,