A sneak peek at my inner monologue right now, squiders. You know, I suspect at one point in my life, I got a lot more done than I do regularly now. Con starts tomorrow! How ready am I for it?
Butterflies, Part Deux
Apologies if I spelled Deux wrong. I don’t actually speak any French. My sister asked me to help her with a French dialogue once, back in high school, and after a few lines she said, “Never mind,” and took it
I’ve Been Playing in an Among Us Tournament
Sorry to talk about Among Us YET AGAIN, but it continues to be fun. Well, my group is fun, and I like hanging out with them, so by extension, the game is fun. Anyway, my Among Us discord has been
There is an Impostor…
So, squiders. I did it. I jumped on the Among Us bandwagon. Among Us, for those who haven’t heard of it (unlike the bigger, mobile one, who apparently knows all about it from school, sigh), is an online computer game
Feeling Untethered
So, we’re temporarily not living in our house. Most people, when they’re very sick, will sleep and read and watch TV, but my husband decided this was a perfect time to have work done on the house. Specifically, to remove
I am Unnecessarily Invested in These Butterflies
So, for the smaller, mobile one’s birthday about a month ago, we got her a butterfly kit. You know, one of the ones where you put caterpillars in and eventually you have butterflies. (She asked specifically for either an ant
Small Hiatus
Hey, squiders. Interesting times, eh? I try to stay mostly on topic here at the blog, but at the same time, it almost feels…unseemly…to pretend like everything’s fine. So I’m not going to. I firmly believe that people have the
What Day is It?
Sorry, squiders! I don’t mean to only be posting once a week at the moment, I just honestly never remember it’s Tuesday until it’s, like, dinner time. (Also, it’s Wednesday–obviously–which is a school day for the smaller, mobile one, yet
Thoughts from Home
So, my blog posts from last week were scheduled a few weeks ahead of time (since we were supposed to be on a cruise last week), and while we did end up sneaking off to Moab before everything shut down,
I’m Not Ignoring You, I’m Just Digging Through My Past
Yes, yes, I know I said one week off for the holidays, and it’s been two. I blame my computer. Well, more specifically, I blame a number of things that have made it so I couldn’t get at my computer.