Good evening, squiders! How are you doing? I’m a little overwhelmed around normal everyday things and this leadership course I’m staffing at the end of the month, and the consignment sale. (I think I’ve talked about both of those before.
Oh, the Wandering Brain
Happy Saturday Sunday, squiders! I’m having a great day, and I hope you are too! (My Saturday ended up being so great, I never finished the blog post.) Now that we’re actively submitting, we can go back to the revision
Sorry I was such a downer on Tuesday, squiders. I’ve been doing some thinking. Bookstooge, on my last post, mentioned that I might have over-committed myself. And I laughed to myself and was like, no, no, everything is fine, I
One Step Forward, 15 Steps Back
Oh, squiders, when I was in my 20s, I was so productive! I could hammer out 3000 words a day easily, and maybe even some of them were good. I had time to dance and cosplay and basically do whatever
Stupid Ideas
Happy Wednesday, squiders! Well, it’s at least it’s still Wednesday for me. I don’t know if I mentioned, but I’ve been having back/hip pain lately. Every few days it morphs into something new and awful, which is great. Super awesome.
Unrealistic Expectations
Evening, squiders. Hope all is okay in your neck of the woods. Weird week, right? I’ve been doing pretty decently since we last talked on Tuesday. I’ve been making progress on my revision planning on RaTs (I’m in the notecard-making
Writing Just For Writing
I got an email, either yesterday or today, from, letting me know that they’d upgraded their website, and as an original member, I was grandfathered in to various things. For those who don’t know, is a website where,
Hey-ho, squiders! It’s been below freezing here for days, which has been…interesting. And cold. Very cold. My oldest doesn’t believe in the cold, so this has been an interesting experience for him. I have been working on my submission material.
WriYe and 2024 Recapped
A couple of housekeeping items — there’s a good chance that I’m going to be migrating hosts (or at least servers) sometime in the next month-ish, so if the site is down hopefully it will be back up soon! (Assuming
Massive Brainfart
Hey, squiders, how are you doing? I certainly didn’t mean to leave blogging to the last minute this week, but hey, December, amirite? So I’ve been chugging along on going over the comments on my scifi horror novella from the