First of all, squiders, I apologize for disappearing off the grid. Normally when I go out of town I pre-write and schedule the posts, but we took a spontaneous trip last week and I didn’t have time to get things
Musical Interlude
Let’s continue our never-ending attempt to see if I can get YouTube videos to embed here. You guys know that I think music is an excellent way to help you get tone and mood when writing, and depending on what
An Endless Font of Inspiration
I think, Squiders, that all creative types, especially writers, sometimes hit a point where they worry that they’ve run out of ideas. That they’ve reached the end of useable ones. That their best work is behind them. (I admit that
Ideas: Face Off and Hot Set
I know I’ve been talking a lot about television lately, and I apologize. It’s just that I’m spending more time in front of ye olde boob tube these days because of changes in my life and so I think about
Play/Musical Logic
My husband and I are rather avid theater-goers. We have a season subscription at the local major theater complex for the big musicals that come through, and we supplement that by going to various local theaters’ (and occasionally high schools’)
Reliquaries and Ramblings
Sometimes it’s interesting what hoops you have to go through in order to get internet. In fact, I’m pretty sure I’m losing, and it may be very late when this finally gets posted. (Yep, losing. Apparently this particular university requires
When in Doubt: Aliens
I make no claims towards being a rational person. Sure, I can fake it pretty well, but then I draw pictures of landsquid and stick them on the internet, so I’m pretty sure I’m fooling no one. Much as I
When Life Gets in the Way
Life! It goes. Generally it goes at a fairly even keel and things have a routine to them. But every now and then, you find yourself anticipating a major life event and everything else kind of falls by the wayside.
Year of Doing Things: Picture Book Challenge
I have friends – and I’m sure you do too – who have yearly resolutions to try new things. I have a few that want to do a new thing every month, or even every week. I am nowhere near
Productive Ways to Procrastinate Writing
Procrastination is generally bad, yes, but sometimes you can’t write for whatever reason. You don’t have a large enough block of time, you’re waiting on feedback or something from someone else, you’re in need of inspiration, etc. Here’s some things