Man, I apparently cannot get my Thursdays together this month. New plan: write them on Wednesday. Are you familiar with symphonic metal? It is a fantastic genre of music, especially if you write fantasy like I do. If you’re someone
Writers Never Miss a Chance to Procrastinate: Blog Hop
My friend and sometimes partner-in-crime KD Sarge tagged me to participate in this blog hop. Basic gist of the exercise is to answer the following questions about your work in progress and then tag five other writers. 1) What is
Exploring Speech Recognition
So, because I don’t have two hands to type anymore, I have been looking into speech recognition software. For those who are unfamiliar with this, these are programs that listen to your speech and convert what you say into text.
Snow: A Nano Analogy
I’m not sure why every time it snows my blog post is late. It makes no sense. Anyway, my brain is in strange analogy mode, so off we go. I was out for a walk (yes, in the snow) and
Prepping for Nanowrimo
Well, Squiders, it’s that time of year again. We are a mere 13 days from the start of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and all the insanity that that entails. What is NaNoWriMo (asks probably a very few of you)?
Ideas: Face Off and Hot Set
I know I’ve been talking a lot about television lately, and I apologize. It’s just that I’m spending more time in front of ye olde boob tube these days because of changes in my life and so I think about
Why Writers Need Deadlines (and How to Self-Impose)
Writers love to write, right? So you’d think we’d do it all the time on our own volition, but the truth of the matter is we get distracted by the latest computer/video game, that shiny new fantasy tv series, writing
Why It’s Important to Read Outside Your Genre
For readers, this is an easy answer — because no matter how much you like a genre, it gets old after awhile. Everything starts to seem exactly the same, and if you read one more book about mermaids, you’re going
Converting Dreams to Stories
Last night, I had a nightmare. It was kind of a strange half-asleep, half-awake one, where there was this malicious entity staring at my husband and me while we slept from the shelves in our bedroom, and I tried to
As an author, you often hear that you should pick a genre and stick with it. Does anyone else find this as impossible as I do? I love speculative fiction. ALL speculative fiction. And, going back to Thursday’s post, it’s