So you’re writing a book. Aside from plot and character, one of the most important things is setting. This determines the when and where of your story. Let’s say you’re writing urban fantasy or contemporary fiction or something that takes
The Value of Story Research
A few weeks ago I was at a write-in with my sister. She wasn’t writing anything, and when I asked her why, she said she was waiting for books from the library so she could do some research. “It’s not
Tales of a Writers’ Conference Newbie – Fears
So, yesterday I signed up to attend the Pike’s Peak Writers’ Conference, held in Colorado Springs, CO over the weekend of April 29-May 1. I have been thinking about attending a writers’ conference for about a year and a half.
Collaborative Writing – Characters
It’s been very interesting working on a collaborative novel. One of the most interesting things I’ve found, though, is how characters have worked. We each have a viewpoint character. I think a lot of collaborative novels work this way, at
As with almost everything, outlining is a process that tends to be individual to each writer, if they do it at all. In the seven years that I’ve been writing seriously, I’ve gone from a complete pantser (i.e. someone who
Stereotypical Creatures in Fantasy
My apologies for missing Monday’s update and for the fact this is late. I blame jury duty. And hockey. But can you really blame me for the hockey? It is the landsquid’s favorite sport. Anyway, onward to content. It’s come
The Art of the Write-in
We all hear that writing is a solitary activity, but this is a new age of social media and I end up talking to other writers all the time. I suspect, if you’re here, you’re the same way. One of
Why Genre is Like Root Beer
When my sister and I were little, whenever we went out to a restaurant where you could get your own soda, we would mix a variety of them together. Sometimes it tasted good, sometimes it tasted horrific, but what remained true, no
Embarrassing Early Stories
Yesterday I was at a Super Bowl party with several college friends of mine. (I am not a huge fan of football but I do like the Super Bowl because it often involves friends, food, and drink.) Shortly into the
Using Google Docs as a Writing Tool
Each of us have preferred writing tools – Word, OpenOffice, a good old pen and paper, Write or Die, a typewriter (I love typewriters). They appeal to different people for different reasons. I prefer Word, for the most part, because