2024 still sounds like a science fiction year to me. Oh well.

Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, squiders! I got back from a long trip on Wednesday. I’d originally planned to pre-write and schedule a post, but the subject I was going to post about didn’t come to be (I’d hoped to finish my revision before we left, but alas–still a chapter and a half to go), and then I thought I’d just post when I got home (*laughs in jetlag*), and then I thought I’d post Thursday or yesterday, but oof, real life is taking some adjustment.


The end of June looms, so I thought I’d take a quick look at what how I’m doing for the year versus how I thought I’d be doing.

(Oh, as for SPFBO, as of RIGHT THIS SECOND, Hidden Worlds is still in the running. Fantasy Faction, which is the blog I was assigned to, hasn’t done any cuts yet, though some of the other blogs have.)

Oh, first, in celebration of SPFBO, Hidden Worlds is free at both Smashwords and as part of the Enchanted Escapes bundle at Prolific Works, if you want to pick a copy up!

So, goals and such. They look something like this:

  • Finish revision on Book 1, create submission materials, submit to agents
  • If that gets done, work on revising my scifi horror novella (and creating submission materials, and submitting)
  • And if THAT gets done, revise the first book of my cozy paranormal mystery series (Not So Bloody Murder) and so on and so forth (slightly complicated by the fact that I’ll be using a penname for mysteries and also that I don’t quite know what I’m doing yet)
  • In non-revision goals, Turn Deep and Blue into a novella and publish it
  • Go back to writing RaTs prompts (one a quarter)
  • Finish reposting SkillShare classes and make a new one over the summer
  • Spend a month writing short stories
  • Write a new novella project

So far, we’re here:

  • Book 1 revision is ALMOST done. A chapter and a half, as I said above. I’m hoping to finish out the book in the critique marathon happening during July/August, work on submission materials in July, and start querying in August (or maybe September depending how the marathon is going).
  • Since the other revisions rely on that being done, nothing on that front. Though I am thinking of switching Not So Bloody Murder out for a different revision project. BUT LATER
  • Deep and Blue was published in May! It’s a weird length though, which I think is hurting sales/reviews.
  • I’ve done two RaTs prompts thus far, so I’m right on track (doing side characters for the Book 1 revision, so it’s killing two birds with one stone)
  • All the SkillShare classes got reposted, and I picked a subject for a new class (though I’ve forgotten what it was, but this is why we keep notes), which I may work on around the critique marathon here
  • No new stories yet but sooooooon. August, I think. The small, mobile ones will be back in school.
  • See above about new novella projects too.

All in all, we’re doing pretty well!

I did spend some time pondering publication earlier today. With Turtleduck Press closing, I don’t have a market for my novellas that I have control of, unless I self-publish them, which is an option. But with TDP I got two rounds of editing that anything I do myself will be lacking.

Nothing to do about it right now, and we can see where we are when I have something new ready.

How are you doing, squiders? Having a nice summer? Hitting your goals?

Halfway through 2024
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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover