This is such a weird holiday. What did it even start out being? A feast day to St. Patrick? Well, I mean, yes, but why do we celebrate it here in the States?
(Obviously it came over with Irish immigrants. I am aware I am doing a bad job of articulating what I mean.)
(The Internet tells me that it became a big deal in the mid-19th century after the influx of immigrants after the potato famine.)
(The Internet also tells me that the associated color with St. Patrick was blue until the Irish Rebellion, when the Irish soldiers wore green to offset the British red. And that the whole wearing green pop culture thing is because of Chicago in 1962.)
(And the drinking thing came from a marketing push by Budweiser in the ’80s. Man, that’s not that old at all.)
Well, thank you, stream of consciousness blog post, I’ve learned something here today.
Anyway, I drew you a thematically-appropriate Landsquid. His eyes are dead because he has, too, realized that the holiday we know is only about 40 years old.

Plans for the holiday? (I have rainbow knee-high socks with gold shamrocks.) Interesting holiday-related tidbits?