Hey, squiders, how are you doing? I certainly didn’t mean to leave blogging to the last minute this week, but hey, December, amirite?

So I’ve been chugging along on going over the comments on my scifi horror novella from the last time I put it through the critique marathon, and as I did so, I came to a realization, as there were a lot of questions about certain worldbuilding aspects.

What was I thinking, when I made the revision schedule for the novella in my head?

I’ve been operating on the following schedule:

  1. Input comments from critique marathon
  2. Read over story myself
  3. Revise

The worldbuilding comments have reminded me that there are intermediate steps that I always do between gathering feedback and the actual revision.

I do a worldbuilding pass, a characterization pass. I run through each plotline step by step to make sure they make sense and that nothing is forgotten. I re-outline and make changes based on the new outline.

There are sheets and sheets of stuff that I do before I start the revision, and somehow, I just spaced that whole process.

Good job, Kit. A+.

So, now, of course, I’ve got to rearrange my whole schedule and it’s going to take longer than originally planned.

I’m not all the way through the story yet, so I’m not quite sure how much work is needed, so of course that makes it a little harder to readjust the timeline. My hope would be that the whole thing is in relatively good condition (aside from the identified worldbuilding issues) and I can do the revision prep in a few weeks.

But it is the holidays so that’s probably wishful thinking.

In other writing news, I, uh, opened the notes on my submission material? I’d like to sit down and go over it but I haven’t found time. And arguably it’s more important than the novella revision but it also requires more resiliency, so, uh.

Also working on a gift fic for one of my writing groups. 5K is the max, and I thought it might be nice to write something just for fun. And it is! But perhaps a bit irresponsible as well.

Oh well. It is what it is.

How’s your December going? Getting what you want to done? Waiting for the new year?

Massive Brainfart

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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover