Hi-ho, squiders! I’d forgotten how much a different summer camp every week messes with my routines. Blah. I’d better sit down and figure out how I’m going to deal with that.
Anybody had any thoughts about the summer series this year? I warn you, if left to my own devices, who knows what we shall come up with. (I’ve made a list! Bwhahahahahaha)
Anyway, last week the summer critique marathon started over on one of my online writing groups. This is a great resource–several members have recently gotten agents–and I wish I was always in a place where I had a story to submit, though it does take a lot of my time to keep up with critiques for other people.
I’m going to run through Book 1, which means I need to stay about a chapter ahead on my revision so I have a chapter ready each week. Should be doable, fingers crossed. Best laid plans of mice and men, and all that jazz.
Last week I put Chapter 1 up and got some interesting feedback. Half the people have seen the story before and half haven’t, so it was interesting to see what new people said vs old people. In general, the feedback has been more positive than I normally get for this particular story, so I’m calling that a win!
If I budget my time right, I’d like to take the feedback from last week and this week and revamp before sending the first two chapters to the new in-person critique group I joined.
This is both an exciting and a terrifying idea. I so rarely have so many opportunities for feedback, and being able to tweak not once but twice this month is an enormous task. But since the beginning is a lot of the problem, it’s definitely something I should try and hit.
Anyway, wish me luck!