Hey ho, squiders, I’m not dead!

I started a post to you on, oh, the 21st? 22nd? And then it never got done and it was Thanksgiving break and people were throwing up and then I got sick and…

What’s funny is that that post that I started was also about Things Getting Out of Hand. My husband accidentally drilled into my thumb when the drill bit broke, and I had to cover for my boss at work, and so on and so forth.

But anyway. Who cares about any of that? Not me, because I am too tired to. Though I would like to not be sick because I would like to eat again.

(My thumb is mostly fine except the nail is falling apart little by little, but it will regrow, so whatever I guess.)

And now we’re into December, with 2025 looming. (2025 still doesn’t feel like a real year that, like, we’re living in, by the by.)

And mostly I am…unmotivated.

We were out of town for Thanksgiving and so it kind of feels like it didn’t happen, which is making it especially hard to turn on holiday mode. All the grandparents are asking for Christmas present ideas and, like, we just can’t be bothered. It’s a bit…I don’t want to say depressing but, like, a combination of that and overwhelming. Like, Christmas is A Lot at any point but now I am behind schedule and it just feels like unnecessary stress.

That may be the sickness talking.

We did break out the Advent Calendar today and then got to eat four pieces of chocolate in one go, huzzah.

As for monthly goals, once again I am overly optimistic and have set a high bar, completely ignoring that I am generally unproductive in December because of 1) holidays, 2) looming new years, and 3) general ennui.

I’ve got to revise (and hopefully) finalize my submission materials for Book 1. And work on my revision for my scifi horror novella so I can run it through my critique group/the critique marathon. And I signed up to do a story exchange in one of my writing groups, cuz I haven’t written anything random in a hot minute and I thought, “Why not?”

Not a long list of things, but a time consuming one.

And I need to read 5 books to hit 50 for the year. Doable, if I stay on top of it. And then I have some drawing and video game goals as well.


How are you, squider? How are you feeling about the end of the year and the looming of the new one?

Not Dead
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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover