Happy Wednesday, squiders! Well, it’s at least it’s still Wednesday for me.

I don’t know if I mentioned, but I’ve been having back/hip pain lately. Every few days it morphs into something new and awful, which is great. Super awesome. Not distracting or anything.

On any given day it’s hard to tell what is going to hurt and whether or not I’m going to be able to sit at all, so making progress has been very uneven.

So, of course, my brain is like…you know what?

We should be trying to do more.

Specifically, we should be working on an additional writing project.

On top of the submission material/query readying for Book 1 (I put out a pitch for QuestPit on Blue Sky today, though I don’t think I quite have the process down right. Everyone seems to have high concept Thing 1 x Thing 2 and graphics, but that’s something for another day) and the revision prep for Rings Among the Stars.

You see, surely it would be best for my mental health and general productivity if I were, to say, work on something specific each day.

Which…what does it think I’ve been trying to do?

Trying to stuff more projects into my day is not going to get more done. I can multitask and compartmentalize to a point, but when one is struggling to get things done, adding more things is not often the answer.

(I won’t say it’s never the answer, because everyone and every situation is different, and there is a reason they say that busy people get more done.)

So, great that my brain has volunteered this idea. It didn’t bother to provide any specifics, such as what story or writing I should be doing. Not something like morning pages or journaling, but something.

Very helpful.

Anyway, on we plod, making progress, though never as quickly as one would hope.

I hope your week is going well, squider!

Stupid Ideas
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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover