Happy Thursday, Squiders! I think I’ve overloaded my desktop refreshing everything to stalk the book release, so I’ve had to retreat to my laptop. Very classy. City of Hope and Ruin is out in the world! And so far, so good.
In the Company of the Dead by Ciara Ballintyne
Today, I’m pleased to present to you In the Company of the Dead by Ciara Ballintyne, a new epic fantasy romance novel. Take a look and see if it sounds like something you’d like! Ellaeva’s obligations to the death goddess
Cover Reveal: City of Hope and Ruin by Kit Campbell and Siri Paulson
Tada! Here we go, guys! Every night the monsters hunt. A city that is the whole world: Theosophy and her companions in the City militia do their best to protect the civilians from the monsters, but they keep crawling from
Trying Out New Marketing
Happy Friday, Squiders. My apologies for once again dropping the blog when things get busy. Here’s the good things for this week: I figured out why my website was fubared and have fixed the issue (which took several emails to
Following a Series Real-Time
Yesterday, I finished the last book in Pierce Brown’s Red Rising trilogy, Morning Star. I picked the first book up right after it came out in early 2014, thanks to a note about it in the newspaper, and have read
Using Worldbuilding to Bring Your Story to Life
I’m into the final revision on this co-written story coming out in May, and there was some commonality among comments from the editor and our beta readers: The setting reads a little generic My main character’s initial plan seems a
5 Things I’ve Learned From Co-Writing a Novel
Well, Squiders, that novel I’ve been working on isn’t exactly done and off to the editor like I hoped, but it’s very close, and I’m kind of basking in the accomplishment of completion even though we’re not quite there yet.
The Increasingly Muddy Line Between Fantasy and Science Fiction
Have I shown you my speculative fiction pyramid, squiders? Hold on, let me do a quick paint drawing for you. Tada! Behold, the speculative fiction pyramid. Because, back when I was doing the Subgenre Study, I found it increasingly difficult
Creating a Shared World
Shared worlds are an old and familiar subject to many people, I think. But for those who are unfamiliar with the concept, a shared world is a common world which many people write in. The Thieves World anthologies from the
Cover Reveal: Burning Bright by KD Sarge
Good morning, Squiders! Today I am pleased to reveal the cover for KD’s newest book, being released through Turtleduck Press on Nov 1st! Burning Bright is the first in a fantasy trilogy. To Keeper Apprentice Hiro Takai, Keepers are heroes,