A couple of housekeeping items — there’s a good chance that I’m going to be migrating hosts (or at least servers) sometime in the next month-ish, so if the site is down hopefully it will be back up soon! (Assuming
Not Dead
Hey ho, squiders, I’m not dead! I started a post to you on, oh, the 21st? 22nd? And then it never got done and it was Thanksgiving break and people were throwing up and then I got sick and… What’s
WriYe and Bucket Lists
Happy Wednesday, squiders! I continue to procrastinate writing my query letter so here we are. (Hopefully today, though. Fingers crossed. Of course, I could be doing that instead of this BUT ANYWAY) (I did submit a novella to a publication,
Game On (Part 3) and Monkey Island
Good morning, squiders! We’ve survived all our summer camps and things can go back to (relatively) normal. Phew! In case you missed it, I’ve set a video game goal for the year to play through and at least categorize my
Halfway through 2024
2024 still sounds like a science fiction year to me. Oh well. Sorry for the delay in getting this posted, squiders! I got back from a long trip on Wednesday. I’d originally planned to pre-write and schedule a post, but
Already the High is Wearing Off
First, before we get to anything else, can someone check and see if this last SkillShare class is actually live? I posted it, oh, last Friday, I think, and SkillShare wrote back that they’d hidden it because they felt the
False Sense of Security
Hey-ho, squiders. So far, January is going great! I’ve read three books (and have decent amounts read of 3 more), I beat three video games and moved two more into my “don’t bother” category (I tend to buy game bundles,
2024 Has Arrived
Hey ho, squiders, I hope one and all have survived the holidays and are now making the transition into normal life in a mostly successful manner. (I won my office’s Fantasy Football championship. That doesn’t have to do with anything
WriYe and Writing Years
Hey-o, squiders, I realized I haven’t done the WriYe blog prompts. Since March, actually. Whoops! Let’s fix that. April’s prompt: Your best writing year ever! I’m going to interpret this to mean “if you could have your best writing year
Hot Damn, it’s 2023
Is it just me, or does every year sound more and more science fiction-y? I’d like to say I’ve started off the new year with a bang, but the small, mobile are still out of school for another week and