Well, squiders, we’re about 10 days out from Hallowed Hill‘s release. And I am EXHAUSTED. There’s been so much to do. So much to coordinate. So much to check. So far I’ve: I still have some promotions I need to
MileHiCon Recap and Sundry
Oof, sorry, squiders. This week has been crazy pants. Did I tell you we’re replacing our ancient, poorly constructed deck (they put the boards too close together so water just pooled and rotted the boards over time)? Well, we are,
A sneak peek at my inner monologue right now, squiders. You know, I suspect at one point in my life, I got a lot more done than I do regularly now. Con starts tomorrow! How ready am I for it?
MileHiCon Loometh
SQUIDERS! MileHiCon is NEXT WEEKEND omg. They’ve moved it to the first weekend of October rather than the fourth, and I am apparently unprepared for this change. But at least now it’s not going to interfere with Halloween activities some
Virtual MileHiCon Aftermath
Oh my God, it’s Thursday. When did that happen? I swear I didn’t mean to skip Tuesday. I blame the snow day on Monday. So! MileHiCon happened last weekend. How did it go? Well, first of all, I felt like
Going to a Virtual Convention
So, MileHiCon, which you’ll remember if you’ve been with me for a while, is a scifi/fantasy literature convention I hit every year. Except, of course, this year sucks. So MileHiCon has gone virtual. There are pros and cons to this,
MileHiCon Aftermath (and More Pictures)
Woo, sorry about missing the second update last week, Squiders. It turns out that the combination of the spouse’s surgery and Fall Break was a bit of a mess. But the con went really well! I had a great time.
MileHiCon (and Costume Pics!)
MileHiCon this weekend! Yaaaaaay. I’m mostly ready–just need to get marketing materials (mail list sign up, business cards) together, do some research for my panels, and put everything together some place where I can find it. (To remember: book stand,
Post-Con and Nano Musings
I have survived the con again! Yay, go me. It was actually pretty relaxing, all told, except for panel nerves, a lot of which probably stemmed from the fact that I was the youngest person on all my panels, usually
It’s Go Time!
I just want to let you all know that you are absolutely no help at all. 😛 (I’m not quite done with my anthology story, so that answers the question about what I’ll do for at least part of the