Yes, I realize there’s still a day left in the month, but I don’t think anything especially interesting is going to happen in the next 26-ish hours. So, yesterday I hit 50K words. In reality this is about 25K of
WriYe and Challenges
Good morning, squiders! Still on track for Nano, still kind of feel like I’m cheating. I’ve completed two whole chapters and am starting on a third, though, so making great progress. Chapters are a little longer here in the middle
MileHiCon, Nano, and Assorted Sundries
Good afternoon, squiders. Hard to believe it’s November already, isn’t it? Let’s catch up. Saturday and Sunday we did get a foot of snow, but driving home from the con Saturday afternoon was the only bad time (though admittedly it
A Compromise of Sorts
Hello hello, squiders. I started writing this post on Wednesday before realizing that I was a day late on my promo post and switching to that instead. (Very embarrassing. I’ve been doing promo posts for years but have never been
Poking at Everything
Good morning, squiders. We’re having new trees put it to replace the seven (7! 50 ft or more tall!) trees we lost during the tornado. Only four (my arborist says we have to wait a few years to put trees
Why is This Idea Lingering?
Good news, squiders! I finally finished Chapter 9. Still a mystery as to why it took so very long, but hoorah. Started Chapter 10 today and have already made decent progress. Admittedly my notes for updating this chapter basically just
It Comes!
It’s that time of year, squiders. I have received at least half a dozen emails this week about it. NaNoWriMo. It still is so so strange to me how commercial it has gotten over the last two decades. But never
WriYe and Nano
Hey, so I realized that I hadn’t done the WriYe blog prompt for the month. And the month ends tomorrow. (How goes my revision, you might ask. Well, I got to the chapter in the character book that talked about
The Plan for November (and the Revision)
Happy November, squiders! Or IS IT. (I don’t know. Just being dramatic.) I went to the Nano kick-off party, as I said I might, and I got three years worth of stickers, talked to some lovely people, was a unicorn,
MileHiCon Aftermath and a Look at November
Oof, sorry for going all radio silence all week, squiders. Everything is fine! Except I’m avoiding editing my SkillShare class, not sure why. I think it’s because I feel like I need it to be quiet and I keep getting