Afternoon, squiders! If you are doing Nano, you should be 10K at the end of today. How’s it going? As we discussed as a possibility last week, in the end I decided to do a time goal. 45 minutes a
Post-Con and Nano Musings
I have survived the con again! Yay, go me. It was actually pretty relaxing, all told, except for panel nerves, a lot of which probably stemmed from the fact that I was the youngest person on all my panels, usually
MileHiCon and Nanowrimo
I have survived the con! \o/ Barely. But I had a good time and made some new friends (yay!) and am now on a search for a refillable notebook cover. (Craig Griswold who was in the art show, on the
Obligatory Nanowrimo Post 2015
Ah, Squiders. It’s October. Best month of the year, of course, for many reasons, but it being October means it’s almost November. And November means Nanowrimo. And so October, these days, also means getting bombarded by Nano everywhere you look
Nano: The Aftermath
Ah, December. Sweet, sweet freedom. And yet, it highlights yet another less attractive aspect of Nano, aside from the fact that it is unaccountably exhausting. And that is that you feel restless when December comes. I am not one of
Nearing the End
My apologies for this being a little late, Squiders. I spent yesterday pulling out 5,000 words around everything else, so I’m afraid blogging fell by the wayside. Something always does, during Nano. This year it seems to be blogging (sorry!)
More Structural Thoughts
Another issue I’m running into with my Nano is my structural beats, or acts, or whatever you want to call them. You see, when I plotted Nano this year I tried a new technique. In the past I have phase
Playing with Structure
I’ve always thought that Nano is a great time to try something new–new structure, new genre, new chronology, whatever–because I feel the format of Nano forces you to keep going where, at other times of year, you might turn back
Obligatory Nanowrimo Post
Alas, October draws to an end. And Nanowrimo looms. It’s interesting–I learned about Nano in 2002, started doing it back in 2003–and back then it was the weird indie thing, and maybe there were a couple thousand of us doing
Previously Discovered Territory
So, I’ve been working on determining a project to work on for Nanowrimo. And, since I haven’t started a new rough draft in four years, I’ve got a huge list of story ideas that I’ve written down, to get to