Good evening, squiders! If you recall, I added in a video game goal for the year, which is supposed to be about five hours a week, but life is uneven and nothing can be relied upon, so how it’s really
False Sense of Security
Hey-ho, squiders. So far, January is going great! I’ve read three books (and have decent amounts read of 3 more), I beat three video games and moved two more into my “don’t bother” category (I tend to buy game bundles,
Onto May
You know what was interesting, squiders–after the note last week about how Nano 2011 went, I went back through the archives to see what I’d actually done, and, well, I hardly talked about it at all. Seriously, like two sentences
Hot Damn, it’s 2023
Is it just me, or does every year sound more and more science fiction-y? I’d like to say I’ve started off the new year with a bang, but the small, mobile are still out of school for another week and
Half-Way Through
Happy Tuesday, squiders! Can you believe it’ll be July this week? I sure can’t! I thought, since we’re halfway through the year (holy crap) that it might be good to revisit my yearly goals and see if I’m making any
So Far, So Good
Howdy, squiders. I’ve had an interesting week–had a close contact test positive over the weekend (no worries, they’re doing fine) and so decided that it was best to get tested myself, just in case. (Just got my results back, and
WriYe and December
Oh, hey! Sorry this is late. I joined an Among Us discord channel that is only for grown-ups, and they’re a very fun group of people. Also, it’s hard to work over virtual school. The WriYe blog prompts fell by
We’re Back and it’s the End of the Month
Oh, hey, we’re back in our house, and we’ve put most of the furniture back, so, you know, progress. Also, all the houseplants got stuck in the office while the ceiling/walls were being redone, and I kind of like it.
Stupid June (and Butterfly Update)
Well, squiders, yesterday morning, the other butterfly hatched. And it did exactly what you would expect it to–it climbed all the way out of its cocoon, hung there with its wings nice and straight until they dried out, and has
What Happened to June?
Other than giving everybody whiplash and churning out new things every three seconds. I mean, we’re a week out from the end of the month, and I’m not even sure what I’ve done for the past few weeks. Not writing,