Hidey-ho, squiders! It’s been four days since I’ve been home from my retreat, and I gotta say, I miss the level of productivity I had going for me. I got through four chapters and about 15K words, which means I
In the Trenches
Happy Friday, squiders. How’s May treating you? I’m slowly going out of my mind. Reception for Deep and Blue has been pretty decent. On a sadder note, Turtleduck Press, which I’ve been a part of for many, many years (we
The Problem with Side Trails
Good evening, squiders! How’s your April going? Mine is full of volunteer commitments, but luckily I’ve got the biggest of those behind me at this point. Still more, but the stressful ones are done. So, as we all know, for
Spring Interlude
Howdy howdy, squiders! How’s it going? We’re on spring break this week so all our routines are out of sync, joy of joys. (I did teach the small, mobile ones how to play ERS, Oh Hell, and Hearts, though. Essential
Enter Act Three
Well, squiders, I started this blog post three days ago, and then we got two feet of snow, which apparently not only shut down school and work and all that jazz, but also my brain and my productivity. Digging ourselves
WriYe and Revision
Happy Friday, squiders. How’s your March going? So far I have been extra productive in all my goals except writing (and exercise, though that’s cuz I’ve had a cough for a month. I finish my antibiotics today, though, and in
Hey, Did You Know if you Try to Do Everything at Once, it’s Overwhelming?
Good afternoon, squiders! As you know, the winter critique marathon is going on right now at one of my online writing communities. Week 5 just started so we’ve done four weeks and I’ve had five chapters critiqued in that time
The Benefits of Paper Edits
Evening, squiders. I just need to get through this week and then things will calm down, fingers crossed. I mentioned last week how my spouse was asking about my printing out the chapters to edit them, and then last night
Already the High is Wearing Off
First, before we get to anything else, can someone check and see if this last SkillShare class is actually live? I posted it, oh, last Friday, I think, and SkillShare wrote back that they’d hidden it because they felt the
Dealing with Critiques and Commentary
It’s been an interesting week, squiders. (And a tiring one. I’ve got a cold and so I haven’t been able to sleep much. Part of me wants to go take a nap, but it’s not like I’m going to be