Hi-ho, squiders! I’d forgotten how much a different summer camp every week messes with my routines. Blah. I’d better sit down and figure out how I’m going to deal with that. Anybody had any thoughts about the summer series this
Onto May
You know what was interesting, squiders–after the note last week about how Nano 2011 went, I went back through the archives to see what I’d actually done, and, well, I hardly talked about it at all. Seriously, like two sentences
April, Week 4
Good uh…afternoon, squiders! Happy second-to-last day of April! (Except not really because it means May is right around the corner, which means birthdays and school ending, and having to figure out summer break, and…) So, how have things gone since
April, Week 3
Hey ho, squiders! Sorry for the radio silence last week. I don’t really have a good excuse except that I was (as always) trying to do too much at the same time. I know we’re a little late for Week
Chapter One Complete (and Plans for Camp)
Well, squiders, I thought it couldn’t be done. Well, no, I didn’t, but it was starting to feel that way. I finally got done with the re-write on Chapter 1. It’s a little over 3000 words (which is about average
WriYe and Rewriting
Hi, squiders. Sorry for the long time, no see–I was on a trip, and normally I schedule posts for when I’m gone, but it just didn’t happen this time around. (The trip also had a surprisingly little amount of downtime,
A Matter of Perspective
Hey-a, squiders, how’s it hanging? This week is a Disaster and so mostly I’m eating a lot of chocolate and quietly panicking. But anyway, let’s talk about my edit and how it’s going! Or, rather, how it’s not going, because
Executive dysfunction is no joke, my friends, and I swear it’s getting worse the older I get–or maybe it’s just manifesting in more annoying ways. ANYWAY I finished my revision plan last week, like I was planning to. Monday I
Finally! Movement
Howdy, howdy, squiders. How’s February treating you? Aside from the SkillShare issue, mine’s been decent! Because, miracles of miracles, I’m almost done with my revision plan FINALLY. I had a bit of a breakdown and I was like, “WHY ISN’T
An Exercise in Creative Thinking
Hey-o, squiders. How’s it going? My brain is still in full freak out mode about figuring out the plot order at the beginning of the book, fully convinced this is the hardest thing it has ever had to do, somehow