They say you should edit on paper, squiders, especially if you write on a screen. The idea is that the change in medium helps you see errors that you would miss on the screen (and, I guess, in theory, vice
Trucking Along
Work on the revision for my Gothic Horror continues apace. I’m actively working through Holly Lisle’s How to Revise Your Novel again, partially because it’s been a few years since I did, and partially because I find it’s useful to
Hey, Not Too Shabby
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Okay, now that that’s out of my system…how’s my new revision going? Surprisingly well, actually. My Gothic Horror is in much better shape than I thought it would be, from being a first draft. The plot is coherent, people
Whoops, Change of Plans
So, squiders, change of plans. I’ve got to put my revision for Book 1 on hold and switch over to my revision for my Gothic Horror novella, which is now due to Turtleduck Press at the beginning of June. Not
It’s a Good Thing My Notes are Only for Me (Also Con Thoughts)
Revision planning continues. I admit I get a little stircrazy with it sometimes. Here’s a list of problems and fixes, for example: Other highlights, from my chapter review: Sigh. This chapter sucks but it has good information in it. Prophecy:
Distracted By My Own Work
How goes my revision? Well, I’m glad you asked. Yesterday I finished going through Book 1. At the very end, there’s a note that the story will be continued in Book 2. I sat there, and I said to myself,
So, How’s the Big Project Going, Kit?
It’s the middle of April. So how am I doing on my major project for the year, which is to revise the first book of my high fantasy trilogy, so I can get it ready for submission? I mean, it’s
I Think I’ve Got It
Well, squiders, I’d like to say I’ve been hard at work and have made great progress on my revision, and that everything is going fine and I am close to meeting my goals. I would very much like to say
Fingers Crossed
Okay, squiders. I’m still going through the feedback from the marathon, but I think I’ve figured it out. (Turns out there’s a lot of marathon feedback to go through, and some of it is just grammatical which is unhelpful in
Revision Uncertainty
Okay, squiders. I have finally started my revision on Book 1. Well, a week or so ago. I read through the current draft (put it in the mode that makes it like a book and occasionally clicked on a comment