A sneak peek at my inner monologue right now, squiders. You know, I suspect at one point in my life, I got a lot more done than I do regularly now. Con starts tomorrow! How ready am I for it?
Why Do I Even Bother Making Plans?
Oh, squiders. My month is so off from where I planned it. And I thought I was being realistic! I only had to do two real things: come up with an editing plan for Book 1 and outline the novella
Already Distracted
So, yesterday, my spouse woke up and was extremely upset about his lack of camping and specifically backpacking this summer. And I said, “Look, we’re super busy this month, so the only day we have to go is, well, today.”
WriYe and Revision (Again)
Well, it’s March, and March continues to be connected to NaNoEdMo, even though it’s dead. (And every March, I’m not revising. Well, I might get there later in the month. Or not.) I feel like we do some variation of
Moving Forward
Hi, squiders! Sorry about missing Tuesday. It’s been kind of a rough week, but I don’t really have an excuse. But anyway, we’re in to March! Crazy, right? I know everyone’s focused on how it’s been a year since the
Let me just say, this is the worst revision. I finally got my alternate beginnings done and sent them out to my betas, so now we’re in for more waiting. (I just got an email from one beta that says
WriYe and Inspiration
It’s that time of month! But before we get into the questions from WriYe, I wanted to let you guys know that I have the first past of a serial up over at Turtleduck Press. It’s called Deep and Blue
A More Complete Plan (and Tournament Follow-up)
Okay, so first things first–I did end up playing in my Among Us tournament final. Two of the original top ten couldn’t play, so I got moved up. And I came in 8th overall, which is, like, a million times
Thorny Beginnings
Well, squiders, I’m still working at reading back through the latest draft of Book One (we were out of town over the weekend, so I didn’t get much working time). The beginning is worse than I remember. Or, well, not
Digging Back In
Have I told you guys about RaTs? It stands for Runaway Tales, and is a prompt system based on flavors. It’s a fairly big deal over at WriYe, so when I reconnected with the community at the beginning of 2019,