Happy October, Squiders! Though the leaves have not turned and today is the first real autumn-y day of the year. Get on it, autumn. Anyway. Siri’s and my long blog tour for City of Hope and Ruin has come to
How Much Can You Plot the Heart of a Story?
I’m not going to lie, Squiders. I’m having a ton of issues with the edit on the first book of my fantasy trilogy. I’m getting nowhere fast, and even when I do get somewhere, it’s only to find myself facing
Why You Need to Plan Out Your Revisions
Our revision is finally done, squiders! o/ (That’s a little guy throwing his hands in the air.) I mean, until we get comments and stuff back and have to finalize things before release. But huzzah! I don’t normally stuff my
Using Worldbuilding to Bring Your Story to Life
I’m into the final revision on this co-written story coming out in May, and there was some commonality among comments from the editor and our beta readers: The setting reads a little generic My main character’s initial plan seems a
Revising on a Deadline
I apologize for the lack of posts this week, Squiders. My website (which, you might remember, went down at the beginning of October) has become quite the job between browbeating my host to fix it (like they promised in October),