First off, Squiders, an announcement: starting Tuesday, I’m going to be running a series of posts (on subsequent Tuesdays) about fantasy races. I’m really excited about this one, because I’ve got the posts from the people who know the best:
In Defense of Science Fiction: Utopias as Dystopias
This is more something that’s fallen out of favor as opposed to something that people argue scientifically against. A utopia, by definition, is a perfect society – everyone is happy, cared for, and no one wants for anything. Dystopias are
In Defense of Science Fiction: Aliens
Sure, aliens may not be as endangered in science fiction as time or interstellar travel, but they have their detractors as well. The possibility of there being other intelligent life in the galaxy is typically defined by Drake’s Equation, but
In Defense of Science Fiction: Interstellar Travel
Today we’re going to look at interstellar travel. A few years ago, someone science-y looked at interstellar travel, declared it impossible, and inadvertently killed interstellar travel in science fiction. (By the by, by interstellar travel, we’re talking about jetting off
In Defense of Science Fiction: Time Travel
For the next two weeks, I’m going to look at typical aspects of science fiction that seem to have fallen out of favor for whatever reason. First up: time travel. Why has this fallen into disrepute? Well, according to modern
Boo on You, Network Television
I am swearing off network television. Admittedly I only follow, at most, a show at a time, but with rare exceptions science fiction and fantasy don’t fare very well. So I get into a show and it invariably gets cancelled.
Subgenre Study: Dying Earth
The Dying Earth subgenre is very similar to the apocalyptic fiction subgenre we explored earlier. The key difference between the two is that apocalyptic fiction tends to deal with some major catastrophe that is threatening all life, whereas in Dying
Subgenre Study: Time Travel
Squiders, I am bringing this to you even though I have overdosed on candy and may die. That’s how dedicated I am. Time Travel is generally considered a subgenre of science fiction, but there’s been some controversy lately. You see,
Subgenre Study: Military Science Fiction
A fairly major subgenre of science fiction is military science fiction. I bet you can name at least one book or movie in this subgenre off the top of your head. Starship Troopers. Ender’s Game. The Forever War. Military SF,
Subgenre Study: Hard Science Fiction
Science fiction can be divided into two subsections: hard and soft science fiction. Hard scifi is focused on the actual “science” part of science fiction and is much more interested in maintaining scientific accuracy than other subgenres. Hard science fiction