Hey Squiders, we’ll jump back into the nonfiction stuff on Thursday to answer the question “How many rejections is too many?” but for today, I’d like to share Smashwords’ 2017 predictions for the book industry with you. It’s kind of
Smashwords vs. Draft2Digital
I’ve seen a lot of people talking about doing a wide distribution of ebooks (i.e., not just Amazon) lately, and, as someone who has never done Amazon exclusively, I thought it might be helpful to some people to do a
Smashwords’ Read an eBook Week and Free eBooks (and a ROW80 check-in)
So, last week, Smashwords sent out an email to all its minions to let them know that this week was going to be Read an eBook week, and that we could discount our books and join in if we wanted
Ebook Formatting for Self-Publishing
Ebooks! Wave of the future! Whether or not you prefer your novels cheap and virtual or paper, if you’re self-publishing these days you need to have your book on as many platforms as possible to reach the widest readership. Ebooks
Thursday Round-up
Science/Space NASA Creates Material Ten Times Darker Than Black Secret Space Plane Pictures NASA Ejects Nanosatellite from a Microsatellite (With bonus spacesail) Dark Matter Galaxies Orbit the Milky Way Total Lunar Eclipse on the Winter Solstice (Mmm, the writer in me likes
Thursday Round-up
Space/Science Saturn’s Moon Rhea has an Oxygen Atmosphere Classic NASA Video of Life on SkyLab (Don’t know what SkyLab is? Shame on you.) Picture of Colliding Galaxies Awesome, Unedited Picture of Enceladus Scifi/Fantasy New to Scifi? Some Recommendations Review of
The Ease of Self-Publishing
Last year, I published Hidden Worlds, a fantasy adventure novella, through Lulu. Why I chose to do this particular project myself instead of going a traditional route is another blog subject. What’s important to this blog is that I received