A branch of my library system had a talk last night, given by Kristen Nelson and Angie Hidapp of the Nelson Literary Agency here in Colorado, about querying and query letters. My husband said I should go, and so I
Let’s Talk Format (also MileHiCon)
Okay, Squiders. The winner of the nonfic subject poll was submission and publication, so I’ve gone ahead and outlined that subject. I’ve tentatively called it a “quick” guide, but now that I’ve outlined it, it’s kind of massive, so I
PitchWars, Tours, and Miscellany
Oh, Squiders, what a week I’ve had. Did I tell you that my stove caught fire? I think I did. It looks like we might actually get some money from the repair company, though! (We had someone out to check
Some Websites Writers Might Want to Know About
Good morning, Squiders, I hope you’re all doing well. I haven’t been sleeping so well lately, so I’m a bit sleepy. I’ve come across a couple of websites lately that I feel could be of interest to other writers and
Turtleduck Press is Open for Submissions
Turtleduck Press, an independent publishing co-op specializing in science fiction and fantasy, is now open to submissions for people wishing to join. Information about TDP, membership perks, and submission guidelines are available here. While you’re looking at the submission information,
Warning: Duotrope Going Subscription
A few times over the years I’ve mentioned Duotrope as a good resource for those of us who write and submit short stories as they list markets and allow you to keep track of who you’ve submitted to, and what
Submission is Scary, but Everything Will Be Okay
Going along with writing fears and insecurity, we have submission. Oh, submission. Perhaps the scariest and most disheartening of all steps of the writing process. You’ve written a story, you’ve edited and polished, and finally you’re ready to let it
PPWC and Genre Panels
I seem to be having a bit of an issue getting back into the swing of things post-conference. Brain overload, perhaps? Anyway, my apologies for this entry being so late. Hopefully everything returns to normal tomorrow. PPWC was a good
Trying to Figure Out Middle Grade Versus Young Adult
I have this novel. I wrote it in 2006, edited and polished until the end of 2009, and began submitting at the beginning of 2010. My query kept getting me partial requests, but nothing beyond that, so I rewrote the
Short Story Markets
So, I was talking to my friend Anne (of Sky Shark fame) last week about short stories and anthologies and how I thought I would try a few more, and she said, “Wow, you know way more about this than