Sorry I was such a downer on Tuesday, squiders. I’ve been doing some thinking. Bookstooge, on my last post, mentioned that I might have over-committed myself. And I laughed to myself and was like, no, no, everything is fine, I
Not Dead
Hey ho, squiders, I’m not dead! I started a post to you on, oh, the 21st? 22nd? And then it never got done and it was Thanksgiving break and people were throwing up and then I got sick and… What’s
So Long, May
Holy crap, squiders. May was one disaster after another. (And it’s lingering–my grandmother is in the hospital and it could be really bad.) But, on the other hand, I actually sold two short stories. Hooray! Vindication! Now I only have
I Thought the Showers Were Supposed to Be in April
Howdy, squiders. When it rains, it pours, eh? Had a remediation company out today finally. The drywall is still wet, and while we don’t have the official estimate yet, the guy thought it would be like $12,000 to fix everything.
Not Dead, Just Drowning
Hey, squiders, just wanted to give you a heads up. I didn’t mean to go all radio silence on you. Our basement flooded overnight last Thursday night. (Our best guess is that the sump pump, which was already elderly, just
Today’s Post is Delayed Due to Tornado Warnings
Oof. The weather today has been something, squiders. We almost never get tornado warnings here–the mountains tend to disrupt the weather systems that make them. In fact, I can’t actually remember having to shelter in place for one ever, though
Into December
Man, this once a week schedule is just not doing it for me. I may have to go back to twice a week for my own sanity, or just take a break til 2022. I shall ponder. Nano went, well.
Characters, Characters, and Not a Drop to Drink
We continue working through the dreaded middle of the changeling story. And it goes okay! Not amazingly, not like the words are pouring out of my fingers, but not where I’m staring at the screen wondering what I’m doing with
Still Scatterbrained
So, I see that I forgot to blog the second time last week. Good job, me. Very adult, much responsibility, or something. I finished my systems test class, which was very interesting, and somewhat encouraging, since a lot of the
Cosplay Update
Ahahaha, so I realized I briefly mentioned working on a cosplay a few weeks ago without actually talking about the costume at all. Good job, me. Anyway, I’m doing Crowley from Good Omens, and have even roped a friend into