Hey ho, squiders, I’m not dead! I started a post to you on, oh, the 21st? 22nd? And then it never got done and it was Thanksgiving break and people were throwing up and then I got sick and… What’s
WriYe and Bucket Lists
Happy Wednesday, squiders! I continue to procrastinate writing my query letter so here we are. (Hopefully today, though. Fingers crossed. Of course, I could be doing that instead of this BUT ANYWAY) (I did submit a novella to a publication,
WriYe and Playlists
Hey, squiders. Sorry for the radio silence. This week has been…well. I realized I never said anything about MileHiCon. It went really well! I got things done, my panels went well, I had more people than ever come talk to
Happy Halloween, squiders! I’ve been listening to Spooky, Scary Skeletons on repeat because it’s my favorite spooky song. With October ending (sad), normally at this time of year we’d at least talk about the possibility of doing NaNoWriMo, but with
The Random Number Generator Most of the Way Through
Good afternoon, squiders. MileHiCon starts in about an hour, and I’m not quite ready, so that tracks. Sigh. I did get moderator questions for all my panels (including the one I’m moderating, so obviously someone else is writing them for
Still on My BS
Good morning, squiders, hope your week is going well! My birthday was quite nice, and now I have new books, yaaaaay. On we blindly stumble with our random number generator. Progress continues to be made. My SkillShare class is ready
Random Number Generator Follow-On and Oh, Hey, It’s MileHiCon Time
Good evening, squiders! I hope your week is going well. So far, this random number generator plan I mentioned last week is working great. I’ve outlined my SkillShare class (something I’ve had on my to-do list for, like, two months),
Random Number Generator
Good afternoon, squiders! It’s finally October, and yet it is still so hot. I just want my autumn weather, is that so much to ask? Hot drinks and sweaters and boots and all that jazz. So, September was okay, productivity
Thinking Ahead
I sent the end of Book 1 to my in-person critique group yesterday. I expect there will be some adjusting necessary, though I am interested to see how they feel about the ending as they’ve read the whole book, whereas
WriYe and Writing Characters
Howdy, howdy, squiders. I got a flat tire today, which is a pain in the ass. Siiiiiigh. Hole in the sidewall, so no repairs for me. But anyway. WriYe’s September prompt is: What type of characters do you like writing?