It’s September! And yet still like 95 degrees. The planet is on fire, my dudes. So, as we discussed last month/week, August ended up not being terribly productive for me because I was free of the revision (aside from making
Turns Out if You Don’t Have a Focus, You Don’t Focus
Happy Wednesday, my dudes. (Sorry, I can’t help it. I love that joke.) August has been…unfocused. I am hyperfixating on non-writing things, which isn’t helping but I do find that I tend to do that as either an avoidance technique
WriYe and Motivation
How oddly appropriate on the timing. The small, mobile ones (I should probably call them something else now, they’re no longer small–my oldest is now almost as tall as I am. Something to ponder) went back to school a week
WriYe and Ideal Readers
Hey-o, squiders. The summer camps continue to be a disaster and somehow we’re two weeks out from school starting for the fall. Will I remember how much bunching all the summer camps sucks next winter when I am signing people
I Finally Finished Draft!
Hi, squiders! We lumped all the summer camps together in a three week time period because of Reasons and it is not our finest hour. BUT I finally finished my draft of Book 1! Hold on, I’m going to scroll
WriYe and Distractions
Happy Wednesday, squiders. How are you? This month WriYe’s prompt is: Define your biggest distraction and how you deal with it. Ha. Haha. I don’t necessarily have a specific distraction that draws me away from writing. What I have is
Writing Retreat Aftermath
Hidey-ho, squiders! It’s been four days since I’ve been home from my retreat, and I gotta say, I miss the level of productivity I had going for me. I got through four chapters and about 15K words, which means I
Retreat Tomorrow!
AH I’m very excited. Fingers crossed that this is an excellent experience! I’ve decided to go with the combo revision/outlining idea that I talked about last week. I kind of feel like this is the both of best worlds–I make
WriYe and Writing Retreats
HA! What are the odds? (I still am not sure about what to work on at my retreat next week. Leaning more toward a combo of revision/idea planning but haven’t given up on outlining something new to work on. Still,
Writing Retreat Options
Hiya, squiders! How are you? The last week of school is kicking my butt here, even though I thought I put enough reminders everywhere to not forget things (I forgot a camping meeting with the smaller, mobile one’s troop leader–which