Good evening, squiders! How is your week going? I’ve been fighting with my book description for my Gothic Horror, which is going worse than expected. I feel like book descriptions are not generally that hard, but maybe it’s just been
WriYe and Cliffhangers
How’s it going, squiders? I spent an hour or so earlier going over the timing of my novella that’s due back for copyediting at the end of the month. I had some notes from the last phase of editing where
The Well Runneth Dry
Good morning, squiders! I started this entry last Tuesday which tells you how my executive functioning has been lately. Every month I send out short stories. Basically I have a big spreadsheet, and it lists the story, the market, acceptance/rejection,
Master Plot Series: The Quest
Buckle up, squiders. Here we go. The Plot Archetype. The one everyone thinks of when they think of master plots and plot archetypes. What the Hero’s Journey is patterned after. THE QUEST. 7 Plots: The Quest20 Plots: The Quest, Pursuit,
Short Story Frustrations
GUYS I am so frustrated I’ve always prided myself on being the sort of person who can put out a story when it’s called for, whether a spot needs filling in an anthology or what have you. That I can
Master Plot Series: Rags to Riches
Happy Thursday, squiders! I’m avoiding making phone calls. So let’s talk master plots! 7 Master Plots Plot: Rags to RichesRelated 20 Master Plots Plot(s): Underdog, AscensionRelated 36 Master Plots Plot(s): n/a Now, I think it’s very interesting that the 36
Half-Way Through
Happy Tuesday, squiders! Can you believe it’ll be July this week? I sure can’t! I thought, since we’re halfway through the year (holy crap) that it might be good to revisit my yearly goals and see if I’m making any
Introducing the Master Plot Series
It’s time for our summer series, squiders! This year, once a week, we’ll be looking at “master plots.” What is a master plot, you might ask? Well, according to some people, there’s only so many plots in the world, and
WriYe and Themes
Waiting til the end of the month, like normal. Whoops. May’s WriYe blog post prompt is: What are some of your “go to” themes you like to write about? Themes are weird. I suspect they’re one of the areas of
WriYe and Memories
Hello, hello, squiders! How are you? Home ownership continues to be one step forward, two steps back, which is, well, what it is, I guess. I’d like to say I’m not stress eating, but I am absolutely stress eating. Anyway,