Onto June’s prompt! Moving right along. Be caught up in no time at all.

June’s prompt: Non-writing hobbies that refill your creative well.

At least this one is self explanatory!

I definitely agree with having hobbies outside of writing, both creative and non-creative ones. Letting your brain focus on other things actually makes it easier to come up with solutions to problems or other issues you might run into while writing. I think we’ve probably all come up across an issue where we feel like we’re just banging our heads against it, getting nothing accomplished.

Doing something else is often the answer.

So, my hobbies.

I like to consume other media when I hit a bit of a spot. Video games, movies, TV shows, books. (Especially books.) Sometimes I’ll look at craft–how the plot is crafted, how they’re dealing with specific aspects of storytelling–but a lot of times I just consume. I tend to think about stories after I consume them, analyzing them and playing out other possibilities in my head.

One thing leads to another, the ol’ brain gears get some lubricant, and off we go.

Physical activities are also helpful–going for a walk, especially by myself, exercising, sitting and slowly eating or drinking something, etc.

Other creative things can also be useful. Traditionally I’ve done sewing (I used to do a lot of cosplay) which can be kind of repetitive and mindless in places. Nowadays I mostly draw, as you can take that anywhere with you without a lot of extra supplies. Requires a bit more concentration, but it still helps.

Well, squiders, what helps you when you get stuck? Or when you need to replenish your motivation?

WriYe and the Creative Well
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Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover