How to Find Story Ideas

If this were a perfect world, we would find completely formed story ideas that fit what we needed them for, when we needed them.

Unfortunately, that’s not how the world works.

You can wait for inspiration to strike from on high when it will, or you can learn how to find inspiration on your own, allowing you to write more, hit deadlines, answer prompts and submission calls, and generally make sure you can write when you need to about what you need to.

In this book we discuss the importance of being able to find story ideas, how to keep track of them once you have them, and places to try when you need something. Come find out what works for you!

If you’d like a more hands-on approach, The Finding Story Ideas Workbook is available in conjunction with this book. The Story Ideas Pocket Book is also available, if you’d like to have a portable storage solution to take with you.

How to Outline for Creative Writing

Outlining can be something that’s intimidating for a lot of writers. When we think about outlines, we think about long, complicated documents where all the fun and mystery of writing has been removed.

But an outline doesn’t need to be like that! An outline is a living document whose sole purpose is to support you, the writer, in the creation of your project.

In this book, we’ll discuss what an outline is, why you want one, and how to know how much outlining is right for you. Then we’ll go through different outlining techniques before touching on using outlines for revision and troubleshooting outlining issues.

Come find out what works for you!

Common Writing Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Writing is no easy thing—it takes patience, dedication, and a wide range of skills to be successful. No matter your experience or level, there are aspects of writing that you are better at than others.

However, there are some mistakes which are more common than others. In this book, we’ll explore some of the most frequent, repeat mistakes writers make, as well as ways to fix and catch them while you’re writing.

The book is divided into four categories:


    • Grammar issues


    • Voice/point of view issues


    • Pacing and structure issues


    • Plot issues


This book is part of the Writer’s Motivation series! This series is designed to help writers find the processes that work best for you individually, allowing you to more efficiently reach your writing goals.

How to Write Consistently

Writing on a consistent basis is helpful for a number of reasons. Things get done. You get practice, so your writing gets better. You learn your writing process and what works best for you. And you’re available and reliable when opportunities come your way.

But finding writing time is hard. If you don’t make time for it, it’s not going to get done.

This book contains strategies for setting realistic goals, finding the motivation to write in the time you’ve set aside for it, and keeping your spirits up when things aren’t going exactly how you envisioned them. If you’d like to write more, more regularly, this is the book for you!

This book is part of the Writer’s Motivation series! This series is designed to help writers find the processes that work best for you individually, allowing you to more efficiently reach your writing goals.

If you’d like a more hands-on approach, The Writing Consistently Workbook is available in conjunction with this book.

Writing Around Life

Writing would be easy and great if the rest of our lives weren’t getting in our way, right?

Well, maybe not. But there are strategies you can put into place to fit your writing in around the rest of your responsibilities.

This book is divided into several sections so you can find the processes that fit your individual circumstances the best, whether it be caring for your children, working full-time, or figuring out how to fit in your writing around your school work (or some combination of the above).

Don’t let life be an excuse for not reaching your goals.

This book is part of the Writer’s Motivation series! This series is designed to help writers find the processes that work best for you individually, allowing you to more efficiently reach your writing goals.

How to Write Multiple Projects at the Same Time

As writers, we tend to have more ideas--or more responsibilities--than can ever get done.
There is only so much we can do. And to make things worse, sometimes it’s hard to decide what to work on when you do have time. Or it’s hard to get started once you do sit down with all your other work crowding around your brain. Or you get started on one thing, but can only think about another.

It’s inefficient. And it’s frustrating.

In this book, you’ll learn how to train your brain to easily switch between projects, so you can get more done and make sure you're reaching your goals. We’ll also discuss how to choose which projects to work on, how to schedule your time, and ways to track your progress to make sure you’re doing what you need to get done.

So come and learn what strategies you can put into place to make sure your projects get done when you need them to be done!

This book is part of the Writer’s Motivation series! This series is designed to help writers find the processes that work best for you individually, allowing you to more efficiently reach your writing goals.

For a more hands-on approach, this book can be used in conjunction with The Writing Multiple Projects Workbook.

How to Submit and Publish

Coming soon! If you wondered what your options are for a book or story after you're done with it, or if you're ready to put things out into the world but aren't sure how, this book is for you!

The Finding Story Ideas Workbook

You need story ideas to write stories. But, unfortunately, sometimes you find yourself staring at a blank page, at a loss about what to write.

In this workbook, we’ll talk about different techniques to find story ideas when you need them and then try out said techniques. The workbook also contains 30 different activities, which can be completed on your own time and whatever order you please.

This book can be used on its own or in conjunction with How to Find Story Ideas and The Story Ideas Pocket Book.

The Story Ideas Pocket Book

Story ideas can strike anywhere. It can be a character, a plot, an overheard conversation--literally anything. Typically we as writers just jot them down somewhere and then hope we can find that spot when we need that idea later.

It’s a much better plan to have a place for ideas to go, so they’re all in one place and easier to find when you want them. This pocket book is designed to be small and easily portable, so you can keep it with you for when inspiration strikes. It is also divided into sections so you can organize your ideas as you get them.

This book can be used on its own or in conjunction with How to Find Story Ideas and The Finding Story Ideas Workbook.

The Writing Consistently Workbook

They say it takes 66 days to build a habit. Writing on a consistent basis has a number of benefits, not least that your projects get done faster and that you get more practice, allowing you to branch out, meet your goals, and take advantage of more opportunities.

This workbook is designed to help you track your writing goals, how your writing is getting done, and what’s working, or not, as you build your writing habit. It features pages for the full 66 days required to build a habit so that you can begin to understand your writing process and what is working for you.

This workbook can be used on its own or in conjunction with How to Write Consistently.

Books by Kit Campbell

City of Hope and Ruin cover
Shards cover
Hidden Worlds cover